- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Unit Catalogue 2009/10

BB40095: Integrated biochemistry

Click here for further information Credits: 6
Click here for further information Level: Masters
Click here for further information Period: Academic Year
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 30%, EX 70%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites: Before taking this unit you must take BB20016 and take BB30053
Description: Aims:
To enable students to use information from their courses, their placements and their attendance at departmental seminars to give themselves a competent overview of the subject of biochemistry.

Learning Outcomes:
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* produce a written summary of a research seminar understandable by a degree level biological scientist;
* describe, through the writing of essays under examination conditions, topics that reach across a range of subject areas within biochemistry.

Learning and studying T/F/A, Written communication T/F/A, Information handling & retrieval T/F/A, Working independently T/F/A.

The content of the unit encompasses the whole of the biochemical experience of the student. That is the placement experiences, the units taken and the series of topics covered in the Departmental Seminar Programme.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.