- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Programme Catalogue 2009/10

UHEU-AKB08: BA (hons) Modern Languages and European Studies (French and ab initio Italian)


Mode of attendance: Thick Sandwich

arrowYear 1 arrowYear 2 arrowYear 3 arrowYear 4

Year 1

Click here for further information NFAAR assessment regulations: This programme year has a DAP. Main assessment regulations: Appendix 11 PDF format -requires Acrobat Reader to view; Supplementary assessment regulations: Appendix 12 PDF format -requires Acrobat Reader to view

Academic Year: Part 1 Stage 1

Designated Essential Units
EU10621 French written and spoken language 1 12 Credits
EU10631 Italian written and spoken language 1 (ab initio) 12 Credits

Semester 1: Part 1 Stage 1

Compulsory Units
EU10003 French cultural studies 1A: form & genre in French culture 3 Credits
EU10005 French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises 1 3 Credits
EU10064 Italian cultural studies 1A: Introduction to Italian cultural history 3 Credits
EU10065 Italian politics & society 1A: Italian foundation history (1860-1914) 3 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits

Semester 2: Part 1 Stage 1

Compulsory Units
EU10004 French cultural studies 1B: Changing viewpoints and narrative strategies 3 Credits
EU10006 French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises 2 3 Credits
EU10066 Italian cultural studies 1B: Italian writing of the 19th century 3 Credits
EU10067 Italian politics & society 1B: Italian fascism 3 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits

Year 2

Click here for further information NFAAR assessment regulations: This programme year has a DAP. Main assessment regulations: Appendix 19 PDF format -requires Acrobat Reader to view; Supplementary assessment regulations: Appendix 20 PDF format -requires Acrobat Reader to view

Academic Year: Part 2 Stage 2

Designated Essential Units
EU20622 French written & spoken language 2 12 Credits
EU20633 Italian written and spoken language 2 12 Credits

Semester 1: Part 2 Stage 2

Compulsory Units
EU20009 French cultural studies 2A: from realism to abstraction: disintegration of the image 3 Credits
EU20011 French politics & society 2A: De Mitterrand à Chirac, ruptures et continuités 3 Credits
EU20070 Italian cultural studies 2A: Italian writers of the early 20th Century 3 Credits
EU20071 Italian politics & society 2A: Italy since 1945 3 Credits
EU20726 European integration 6 Credits

Semester 2: Part 2 Stage 2

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU20407 Border crossings: memory and identity in contemporary Europe 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
EU20424 Introduction to the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) 6 Credits
EU20724 Policies and policy-making in the EU 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU20761 Social transformation and political and cultural dissent in Italy 6 Credits
EU20762 Italy in transition: politics, society and culture 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU20576 The experience of women during the Second World War 6 Credits
EU20580 Spectres du passé: le cas de Vichy 6 Credits
EU20666 Blasting the past: the European avant-garde 6 Credits
EU20667 La France et la mondialisation 6 Credits

Year 3

Click here for further information NFAAR assessment regulations: This year of this programme of study does not currently fall within the NFAAR

Academic Year

Compulsory Units
EU20300 Year abroad 60 Credits

Year 4

Click here for further information NFAAR assessment regulations: This year of this programme of study does not currently fall within the NFAAR

Academic Year

Compulsory Units
EU30623 French written and spoken language 4 12 Credits
EU30634 Italian written and spoken language 4 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
AA00021 Choose nothing from this list of options 0 Credits
EU30643 European film 12 Credits

Semester 1

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30077 Italian national option IT2: The novel, the cinema & Italian society 6 Credits
EU30548 Italian national option IT9: organised crime & democracy in Italy 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30017 French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle 6 Credits
EU30018 French national option F4: Films of the nouvelle vague 6 Credits
EU30019 French national option F5: French comedies from Molière to Beaumarchais 6 Credits
EU30020 French national option F6: French autobiography 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
AA00001 Choose nothing from this list of options 0 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - the cold war 1945 - 1989 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
EU30732 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU30741 US global politics 6 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 6 Credits

Semester 2

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30078 Italian national option IT3: Scrittrici Italiane del ventesimo secolo 6 Credits
EU30549 Italian national option IT10: Italy & migration 6 Credits
EU30671 Italian national option IT11: Political terrorism and its legacy in Italy 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30026 French national option F10: Surrealism 6 Credits
EU30027 French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande 6 Credits
EU30028 French national option F12: Environnement, société, développement 6 Credits
EU30029 French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine 6 Credits
EU30660 French national option F19: Travelling identities: postcolonial culture in literature and the visual arts 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
AA00011 Choose nothing from this list of options 0 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe 2: nationalism, regionalism and convergence in Europe since 1989 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30210 Global governance and the contemporary challenges of under-development (formerly EC30041) 6 Credits