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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AR10015: Design studio 1.1

Click here for further information Credits: 9
Click here for further information Level: Certificate
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Semester 1
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites: While taking this unit you must take AR10003 and take AR10014
Click here for further information Description: Aims:
To introduce students to the following areas and concepts of design:
* Creative spatial and building design;
* Materials and basic construction;
* Visual communication through drawing and model-making;
* Design as a collaborative process (semester joint with engineers).
Students are encouraged to keep as many sketchbooks as possible, recording analytically three-dimensional spaces, both real and imagined, alongside ideas on how these buildings either are, or might be, constructed.

Learning Outcomes:
Students should clearly demonstrate a basic ability to draw:
* Plan, section, and elevation;
* Axonometric and isometric projection;
* Perspective;
* Freehand and mixed media techniques;
* Construction drawing (in conjunction with AR10014, Detailed Design 1).
Students should demonstrate a basic three-dimensional awareness through their design solutions.
Students must demonstrate the ability to meet the requirements of a given brief.

Freehand drawing.
Technical drawing.
Model making.
Verbal presentation of work.
No computer drawing is included within the first semester,except in exceptional circumstances, encouraging the students to undertake a varied number of communication tasks using different types of drawing and model-making techniques. Computers are permitted for the purposes of preparing the A3 reports associated with the project.

Two projects in Semester 1 with students in groups composed of architects and engineers working together. Typical core vehicles in Projects 1 and 2 are as follows.
Project 1: composition of a series of spaces of different sizes on an abstract site. This exercise is the basis of the various drawing techniques outlined in 'Learning Outcomes' as well as an exercise in space enclosure and definition.
Project 2: design of a one-storey timber building using frame construction. This is run in concurrently with the lecture series AR10013 Building Environment 1 and AR10014 Detailed Design 1. The project proposals are used as a vehicle for calculating environmental conditions in AR10013 Building Environment 1 and for the course work assessment for AR10014 Building Construction 1.
Architectural students are required to prepare sketch books and related media for separate assessment at the end of Semester One.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.