- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AR40298: Urban studies option

Click here for further information Credits: 24
Click here for further information Level: Masters
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Semester 1
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further informationDescription: Aims:
This unit aims to develop students' ability to devise and execute a piece of independent study complementary to their programme of study.

Learning Outcomes:
Students who have completed this unit must be able to demonstrate their use of written English and communication skills to present their powers of reasoning and expression in relation to their research into the agreed topic.

Independent research, clear writing and visual and oral presentation.

The content is to be a substantial piece of independent study determined by the candidate and agreed to by the Director of Studies. It is to be properly referenced following scholarly conventions. In addition the students are to prepare an associated presentation which will form part of the assessment.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.