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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AS10346: Psychology, personal growth & development

Click here for further information Credits: 10
Click here for further information Level: Certificate
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Chippenham
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Trowbridge
Click here for further information Assessment: ES100
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Supplementary assessment information not currently available (this will be added shortly)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further informationDescription: Aims:
The aim of this module is to enable students to develop an awareness of their personal values and an understanding of the social sciences in relation to individual and social development, and to apply this awareness and understanding to their own lives and to the lives of service users.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will be able to:
* Reflect on their own background, experiences and practice that may have an impact on the social work/user relationship (Key Role 1 Unit 1 Element 1.3 a)
* Evaluate their own values and principles and identify any conflicts and tensions that might arise, either generally or when dealing with specific cases (Key Role 6 Unit 19 Element 19.3 d)
* Psychological & sociological explanations of human growth & development & the factors that impact on it; mental health & well being; social interactions & relationships; discrimination & oppression & human behaviour (Knowledge indicator 2 e)
* Recognise their own values, prejudices, ethical dilemmas & conflicts of interest & their implications on practice (Knowledge Indicator 3 a)
* Value, recognise & respect the diversity, expertise & experience of individuals, families, carers, groups & communities (Knowledge Indicator 3 d)
* Theories & methods promoting personal, social & emotional well-being (Knowledge indicator 4 i).

Application of psychological & sociological theory to practice; critical application of theory; self-awareness and reflective skills; self-evaluation; self-directed learning; personal and professional development skills; recognise relevance of social work values and ethics; communication skills.

The module is offered as a mix of lectures, tutor-led workshops and student -led seminars. Lectures offer a mix of theoretical input & experiential activities whereby students are required to draw on material from their own personal background & analyse this against the theories introduced. Tutor-led workshops create opportunities for students to clarify the lecture material & develop their understanding of it as it applies to them. Content includes: An ecological framework enculturation linked to the framework for the assessment of children and their families; developmental psychology; attachment & separation; the life cycle & life stages; self-concept & personal identity; gender & sexuality; social class & identity.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.