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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AS20061: Research practice

Click here for further information Credits: 10
Click here for further information Level: Intermediate
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Semester 1 at Wiltshire College
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further informationDescription:

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:
* Understand, apply and evaluate a range of research methods and techniques.
* Evaluate existing research in terms of its contribution to emerging theory and principles of good practice in early years settings.
* Plan implement and evaluate a small-scale practitioner based enquiry.
* Undertake a literature review to identify existing research, which would inform the practitioner-based enquiry.
* Recognise the limits and effects of their own knowledge and skills in undertaking a small-scale piece of research.

* Solve theoretical and practical problems that have occurred, or are likely to occur, when carrying out the role of a Senior Practitioner within Early Years or when working in support of a teacher
* Identifying a research problem to be investigated or task to be performed
* Collation of the information necessary for investigating a research problem
* Analysis of comparative issues necessary for investigation and project completion
* Ability to assess validity of research sources related to early years
* Ability to undertake a literature search to identify existing research on a topic related to early years
* Development of the skill of writing an argument.

* Introduction to research and its application to professional practice in early years
* Identification of the framework within which the problem will be investigated or task performed
* Selection and justification of procedures and methods and an informed choice of these.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.