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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AS20353: Social work law

Click here for further information Credits: 10
Click here for further information Level: Intermediate
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Chippenham
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Trowbridge
Click here for further information Assessment: EX100
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Supplementary assessment information not currently available (this will be added shortly)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further informationDescription: Aims:
The aim of this module is to enable the student to implement the social work process (Assess, Plan, Intervene, Review & Evaluate) in a legally informed way.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will able to:
* Identify & follow legal & organisational requirements & duties relating to contact & initial involvement, including receiving & appropriately recording requests (Key Role 1 Unit 1 Element 1.3; Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.1)
* Identify, assess & review options & resources & make subsequent decisions taking account of risk, legal, organisational & other requirements (Key Role 1 Unit 2 Element 2.4; Key Role 1 Unit 3 Element 3.1; Key Role 1 Unit 3 Element 3.2; Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.3)
* Assess, justify & recommend action taking account of legal requirements & duties & their implications (Key Role 1 Unit 3 Element 3.3)
* Produce plans to meet desired objectives/outcomes, which identify how any legal requirements will be met. (Key Role 2 Unit 6 Element 6.2, Key Role 2 Unit 6 Element 6.1)
* Share plans & other information as appropriate according to organisational, legal & policy requirements (Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.2; Key Role 2 Unit 6 Element 6.2)
* Identify, clarify & explain your legal powers, requirements & duties & how these might affect the client/social work relationship, including areas of agreement & conflict in order to establish the best way forward (Key Role 2 Unit 5 Element 5.1)
* In keeping with policy & legal requirements; identify, justify, communicate & record the type of legal & procedural actions & interventions necessary & the need for any further actions (Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.2 & Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.3)
* Inform, clarify & explain to those who may be subject to legal powers, their rights, rights of other relevant persons, the basis of the power to protect & control & the stages & processes of any legal procedures that might follow (Key Role 2 Unit 4 Element 4.2)
* Identify legal requirements & duties for self, people requiring services & their carers (Key Role 1 Unit 3 Element 3.3)
* Review plans according to arrangements & legal requirements (Key Role 2 Unit 6 Element 6.4).

This module is offered as a series of practical skills workshops based upon the European Computer Driving Licence, these will facilitate the development of ICT skills to enable students to produce reports & records to 'best practice' standards.

European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) modules. The module will (dependent on the level of skill of the individual student) to either achieve the full ECDL or have made substantial progress towards it. Students are expected to have achieved the full ECDL by the end of year two.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.