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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AS30355: Research methods

Click here for further information Credits: 20
Click here for further information Level: Honours
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Chippenham
Academic Year at Wiltshire College, Trowbridge
Click here for further information Assessment: ES100
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Supplementary assessment information not currently available (this will be added shortly)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further informationDescription: Aims:
The aims of this module are: to introduce students to the principles of social research; to enable & support the students to undertake a review of a piece of research and to conduct a literature search relevant to their placement.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will be able to:
* Understand the research process and its parallels with the social work process (Key Role 6 Unit 18 Element 18.3 d)
* Differentiate between qualitative & quantitative methodological approaches
* Be aware of a range of research methods & the relationship between methods employed & overall methodological approach
* Differentiate between, and understand the principles behind, the design of a range of research instruments
* Contribute to collaborative learning strategies as a means of developing own work and peer-reviewing others work (Key Role 6 Unit 18 Element18.2 a)
* Present their dissertation in an appropriate format
* Critically evaluate published social research (Key Role 6 Unit 18 Element 18.3 b)
* Make use of research evidence to inform their future practice (Key Role 6 Unit 18).

Skills in application of theory to practice; transferability of knowledge; skills in research design; critical appraisal skills; analytical skills; skills in data analysis; written presentation skills; peer supervision & teamwork skills; skills in the use and application of information & communications technology; project management skills; critical reflection skills; self-evaluation skills; communication skills.

The nature of evidence-based practice; critical appraisal of research evidence; the research process & its parallels to the social work process; ethics in social research; qualitative & quantitative methodological approaches; the range of research methods & their pros & cons; research design; data collection; evaluative techniques, analysis; dissertation format; collaborative learning approaches.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.