| Aims: To describe and give examples of some modern techniques for investigating the structure of a range of inorganic molecules.
Learning Outcomes: After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe the physical basis, limitations and information available from structural methods, namely, X-Ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy.
* Solve a range of problems by critically assessing numerical and spectroscopic information
* Solve problems using the techniques introduced including the application of techniques to unseen situations.
Skills: Problem solving (T, F, A), Scientific writing (F, A), Independent working (F), Group working (F).
Content: Brief introduction to crystallography. Crystal systems and lattices. Unit cells. Periodicity in lattices. Space group diagrams. Data collection procedures and solving crystal structures. Atomic scattering factors and structure factors. R factors.
Theoretical basis of NMR spectroscopy. Spin-spin coupling and chemical shifts in NMR spectroscopy and the factors that affect them. Spin systems.
First and second-order spectra. Isotopomers. NMR timescales and static and dynamic NMR spectra. Structural elucidation.