| Aims & Learning Objectives: To enhance the skills necessary in retrieving information from a variety of Chemical Literature sources and preparation of an in-depth report on a topic at the frontier of chemistry.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Recognise and use appropriate text and electronic sources of chemical information;
* Assemble information from a number of sources into a coherent report'
* Evaluate critically the chemical literature;
* Demonstrate a systematic understanding of a chosen topic;
* Formulate hypotheses and devise experiments to test these hypotheses;
* Prepare and deliver an oral presentation using appropriate visual aids.
Content: In conjunction with a supervisor, a topic of recent research or other chemical significance will be selected. Several key references will be identified by the student and the student will use these as a basis to prepare a detailed, critical survey of the area. In addition to 'paper' sources, computer-based data retrieval systems will be used. Where appropriate, students will formulate hypotheses and propse new experiments to test these hypotheses. Students will prepare a written report and also a long oral presentation on the selected topic.