| Aims & Learning Objectives: This course is in two parts. Part 1 (ca. 5-6 lectures) is concerned with biosensors, and details what a biosensor is, how different sensors work, strategies for improving Limit of Detection ands sensitivity and uses many examples from both the recent literature and commercial systems such as glucose sensing and pregnancy testing. After the first 6 lectures students should be familiar with:
* The basic components of a sensor.
* Key considerations for sensor R & D.
* How ELISA testing works with examples linking HIV and Group B Streptococcus.
* The principles behind sensors for oligonucleotides.
* Methods for determining affinity constants between a protein - antibody and oligo' probe - target.
* Electrochemical detection and signal amplification mechanisms.
The next 4-5 lectures are concerned with electrochemical measurement on nano and mesoscale surfaces such as mesoporous TiO2, as well as understanding at a more fundamental level how electrons are transferred at such surfaces and what we can learn from this. After these lectures, students should be able to:
* Define the relationship between mass transport and electron transfer processes in electrochemical measurements.
* Understand how a molecular build up approach can be used to make functional surfaces.
* Understand how SPR, electrochemistry and impedance, can be used to gain real time information about molecular adsorption and protein-molecule binding.
* Critically evaluate new and unseen sensor systems from a wider reading of the research literature.
Content: Sensor systems introduction
ELISA / Antibody sensors
DNA - RNA sensing
Quantification of interaction between molecules
Basics of clinical microbiology
Electrochemical sensor systems
Advanced Electrochemical methods
Nano and mesoporous surfaces - applications to sensor systems.