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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department for Health, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

HL50002: Techniques for research, evaluation & information retreival & analysis

Click here for further information Credits: 6
Click here for further information Level: Masters
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Modular (no specific semester)
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further information Description:
Aims & Learning Objectives:

* Introduce key research concepts applicable to healthcare informatics
* Define key strategies for finding and evaluating information sources
* Introduce the key statistical concepts and techniques relevant to healthcare informatics.
On completion of this unit students will be able to:
* Identify and critically appraise appropriate sources of research information
* Demonstrate understanding of the use of different research techniques used in healthcare
* Demonstrate an ability to apply fundamental statistical concepts used in healthcare audit and research.

This unit will introduce the student to the main tools that are used in information management and explore why they are of importance to the healthcare professional. This will include the following topics:
* Searching for information and appraisal skills
* Qualitative methods (questionnaire, focus groups, interviews (structured & unstructured), ethnographic analysis)
* Quantitative assessment and questionnaire design
* Needs assessment - and tools to achieve this
* Requirements analysis
* Modelling - testing hypothesis
* Research statistics
* Audit.
The unit leads naturally into the Applied Research Methods Unit in which students will focus in detail on the appropriate use and evidence for effectiveness of specific methods as applied to their research projects.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.