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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

XX50054: Dissertation, business & community

Click here for further information Credits: 30
Click here for further information Level: Masters
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Dissertation period
Click here for further information Assessment: DS 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further information Description: Aims:
To provide an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge students have learned from units in the Business & Community programme to a specific problem involving social dimensions of business activity. Students should demonstrate competence to apply a plan for original research, select and use appropriate methods, and write an analysis of relevant data.

Learning Outcomes:

* relevant knowledge of contemporary economic, social and political developments and their relevance for social science research in given business areas.
* some knowledge of contemporary social problems relating to business and how they emerge.


* Evaluate research and evidence critically to appropriate postgraduate standards using a variety of academic and non-academic sources;
* Synthesise information from a variety of academic perspectives and non-academic sources for a relevant understanding of theoretical and practical approaches;
* Plan, execute and evaluate the investigation and presentation of study and research projects;
* Development of time management, workload prioritisation and related planning skills;
* Alignment of learning opportunities with career planning;
* Information management skills.

Any topic related to the social dimensions of business activity to which the student contributes an original analysis.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.