Department for Health, Programme Catalogue 2011/12 |
THXX-AFM43: MRes Health & Wellbeing (leading to PhD) |
Mode of attendance: Full-time |
Year 1 |
NFAAR-PGT assessment regulations:
This programme is offered collaboratively with the University of Bristol and the University of Exeter. |
Semester 1: Taught Units |
Designated Essential Units |
XX50133 | Short research apprenticeship project (MRes) | 6 Credits |
XX50134 | Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods | 6 Credits |
XX50136 | Qualitative methods 1 | 6 Credits |
XX50170 | Principles & skills of social research | 6 Credits |
Compulsory Units |
XX50204 | Contemporary debates in lifestyle behaviours and public health | 6 Credits |
Units to be Audited: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
One of these units to be audited for the Short research apprenticeship project (XX50133). Your selection must have the approval of the relevant unit convenor. NB. Units belonging to the Department for Health (with codes beginning HL5) will be taught on a modular basis (not in a standard semester). Please contact your Director of Studies for further information. |
HL50072 | The psychology of sport and exercise |
HL50079 | Introduction to practice-based research |
HL50157 | Exercise for health |
SP50230 | Wellbeing & human development 1: concepts, measurement & policy |
ZZ50001 | Director of Studies approved unit |
Semester 2: Taught Units |
Designated Essential Units |
XX50137 | Long research apprenticeship project (MRes) | 12 Credits |
Compulsory Units |
XX50206 | Interdisciplinary research design | 6 Credits |
Designated Essential Optional Units : Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
XX50135 | Quantitative methods 2 | 6 Credits |
XX50138 | Qualitative methods 2 | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
NB. Units belonging to the Department for Health (with codes beginning HL5) will be taught on a modular basis (not in a standard semester). Please contact your Director of Studies for further information. |
HL50072 | The psychology of sport and exercise | 6 Credits |
HL50082 | Evidence into practice | 6 Credits |
HL50157 | Exercise for health | 6 Credits |
SP50122 | Comparative research methods | 6 Credits |
SP50231 | Wellbeing & human development 2: development ethics | 6 Credits |
XX50194 | Tobacco control in practice |
Units to be Audited |
Students may find it beneficial to audit a unit to help with their Long research apprenticeship project. Please seek advice from your Director of Studies. |
ZZ50005 | Director of Studies approved unit |
Dissertation Period: Project/Dissertation Units |
Compulsory Units |
XX50140 | MRes dissertation | 30 Credits |