Department of Mechanical Engineering Unit Index 2011/12 |
Below is a list of units offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2011/12. Follow the links to view individual unit descriptions. Units are sorted by level and then by period slot. To find a specific unit code or title please use your browser's find on page function. |
ME10001 | Experimentation, engineering skills & applied engineering | 6 Credits |
ME10004 | Solid mechanics 1 | 6 Credits |
ME10006 | Design materials & manufacturing 1 | 6 Credits |
ME10010 | Solid mechanics 2 | 6 Credits |
ME10012 | Design materials & manufacturing 2 | 6 Credits |
ME10232 | Materials science 1 | 6 Credits |
ME10285 | Instrumentation, electronics & electrical drives | 6 Credits |
ME20120 | Industrial placement | 60 Credits |
ME20013 | Systems & control | 6 Credits |
ME20014 | Modelling techniques 1 | 6 Credits |
ME20016 | Solid mechanics 3 | 6 Credits |
ME20017 | Solid mechanics 3 with French | 6 Credits |
ME20070 | Solid mechanics 3 with German | 6 Credits |
ME20021 | Modelling techniques 2 | 6 Credits |
ME20022 | Thermofluids 4 - fluid mechanics with historical perspective | 6 Credits |
ME20023 | Solid mechanics 4 | 6 Credits |
ME20024 | Mécanique générale | 6 Credits |
ME20026 | Modern manufacturing - integrated design, make and serve | 6 Credits |
ME20071 | Allgemeine mechanik | 6 Credits |
ME30030 | Structural mechanics | 6 Credits |
ME30031 | Thermofluid systems | 6 Credits |
ME30033 | Mechanical vibrations & noise | 6 Credits |
ME30036 | Manufacturing processes & analysis | 6 Credits |
ME30037 | Internal combustion engine technology | 6 Credits |
ME30041 | Aircraft stability & control | 6 Credits |
ME30042 | Manufacturing systems techniques | 6 Credits |
ME30045 | Aerospace structures 1 | 6 Credits |
ME30142 | Advanced machinery processes | 6 Credits |
ME30197 | Business processes | 6 Credits |
ME30217 | Vehicle engineering | 6 Credits |
ME30218 | Aircraft propulsion | 6 Credits |
ME30219 | Aircraft performance | 6 Credits |
ME30264 | Materials selection in engineering design | 6 Credits |
ME30293 | Computer aids for design | 6 Credits |
ME30294 | Product design and development | 6 Credits |
ME30295 | Electronics, signals and drives | 6 Credits |
ME30311 | Metals and alloys | 6 Credits |
ME30068 | Group business & design project - I | 12 Credits |
ME30227 | Engineering project - BEng | 18 Credits |
ME30313 | Aerospace group business & design project - I | 12 Credits |
ME40321 | Engineering project | 30 Credits |
ME40046 | Modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems | 6 Credits |
ME40047 | Powertrain & transportation systems | 6 Credits |
ME40049 | Innovation and advanced design | 6 Credits |
ME40054 | Computational fluid dynamics | 6 Credits |
ME40055 | Energy & the environment | 6 Credits |
ME40057 | Finite element analysis | 6 Credits |
ME40064 | System modelling & simulation | 6 Credits |
ME40195 | Medical engineering | 6 Credits |
ME40213 | Specialist design 1 | 6 Credits |
ME40220 | Aerospace structures II | 6 Credits |
ME40265 | Biomedical engineering materials | 6 Credits |
ME40308 | Experimental techniques in aerodynamics | 6 Credits |
ME40319 | Composite materials | 6 Credits |
ME40322 | Technical studies with French | 3 Credits |
ME40323 | Technical studies with German | 3 Credits |
ME40328 | Turbulence and noise | 6 Credits |
ME40329 | Materials for energy and transport | 6 Credits |
ME40331 | Robotics engineering | 6 Credits |
ME50145 | Introduction to hydraulic circuits & components | 6 Credits |
ME50147 | Component selection for hydraulic systems | 6 Credits |
ME50150 | Introduction to control for electrohydraulic systems | 6 Credits |
ME50155 | Mechanical vibrations & noise | 6 Credits |
ME50161 | Internal combustion engine technology | 6 Credits |
ME50201 | Electrical drives | 6 Credits |
ME50221 | Integrated engineering | 6 Credits |
ME50222 | Mechatronic systems modelling & simulation | 6 Credits |
ME50223 | Vehicle engineering | 6 Credits |
ME50225 | Aircraft performance | 6 Credits |
ME50301 | Computer aids for design | 6 Credits |
ME50306 | Creativity and innovation methods | 6 Credits |
ME50324 | Manufacturing processes and analysis | 6 Credits |
ME50325 | TRIZ-based innovation | 6 Credits |
ME50326 | Managing product development | 6 Credits |
ME40069 | Engineering project | 30 Credits |
ME40214 | Specialist design 2 | 30 Credits |
ME40228 | Group business & design project - II | 18 Credits |
ME40314 | Aerospace group business & design project - II | 18 Credits |
ME40315 | External integrated project | 30 Credits |
ME50320 | International networks for production, service and logistics | 6 Credits |
ME50327 | Engineering project management (ITM) | 6 Credits |