- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

LP20549: Database management and development

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2012/3
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: Department of Computer Science (administered by the Learning Partnerships Office)
Further information on credits Credits: 6
Further information on unit levels Level: Intermediate (FHEQ level 5)
Further information on teaching periods Period: Semester 2 at City of Bath College
Semester 2 at Weston College
Semester 2 at Wiltshire College
Further information on unit assessment Assessment: CW60EX40
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment: Supplementary assessment information not currently available (this will be added shortly)
Further information on requisites Requisites:
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:
To enable the learner to:
* further an understanding of the design concepts of databases in the business environment.
* identify a range of data structures and models as well as to critically examine the current implementations of database management systems.
* understand how a DBMS processes and executes queries and to be able to import and export data between different database applications.
* identify the functions and procedures necessary for the management and control of database systems (e.g. referential integrity and data security).

Learning Outcomes:
Learners should be able to:
* appreciate databases, data management systems and their applications.
* understand the underpinning of database design principles.
* be able to design, create and document relational databases for a small business application from given user requirements.
* use suitable query languages to interrogate a relational database.
* discuss data independence and security, quality control and recovery procedures.

Practical skills - database management skills, DDL - taught and assessed
Personal skills - time management, personal organization, working with others, independent research, problem solving - facilitated
Communication skills - clarity of thought demonstrated in oral explanations of the concepts; facilitated and assessed.

This unit will cover the following areas:
Databases and data management systems
* Databases: e.g. architectures, data structures, data views, data consistency, data redundancy, data formats, query languages.
* Databases in a commercial context: applied database solutions
* Database Management Systems (DBMS): advantages, limitations, structures, and specifications
Database tools and techniques
* Physical and logical design.
* Relational Database concepts (e.g. terms as well as normalization).
Design, create and document database production
* Requirements analysis.
* User interface.
* Justification of the database application.
* Appraisal of the design solution.
* Technical and user documentation.
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

LP20549 is Optional on the following programmes:

Programmes administered by the Learning Partnerships Office
  • USCM-DFF23 : FdSc Applied Computing (Full-time at City of Bath College) - Year 2
  • USCM-LFF22 : FdSc Applied Computing (Full-time at Weston College) - Year 2
  • USCM-WFF22 : FdSc Applied Computing (Full-time at Wiltshire College) - Year 2

* This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2012/13 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2013/14 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2012/13.
* Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.
* Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.