Department of Economics, Programme Catalogue 2012/13 |
THXX-AFM20: MRes Economics |
Leading to the award of MASTER OF RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS |
Mode of attendance: Full-time |
Year 1 |
NFAAR-PGT assessment regulations:
Semester 1: Taught Units |
Designated Essential Units |
ES50060 | Econometrics for economics & finance | 6 Credits |
XX50133 | Short research apprenticeship project (MRes) | 6 Credits |
XX50136 | Qualitative methods 1 | 6 Credits |
XX50170 | Principles & skills of social research | 6 Credits |
Compulsory Units |
ES50071 | Economic theory & applications 1 | 6 Credits |
Units to be Audited: Select a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
Students may find it beneficial to audit a unit from this list to help develop the Short research apprenticeship project (XX50133). Your selection must have the approval of the relevant unit convenor. |
AA00001 | Choose nothing from this list of options |
ES50052 | Welfare economics and distributive justice |
ES50054 | International monetary economics |
ES50058 | Environmental regulation |
Semester 2: Taught Units |
Designated Essential Units |
XX50137 | Long research apprenticeship project (MRes) | 12 Credits |
Compulsory Units |
ES50051 | Applied econometrics | 6 Credits |
ES50072 | Economic theory & applications 2 | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
ES50053 | Growth theory | 6 Credits |
ES50057 | Development economics | 6 Credits |
ES50059 | Environmental & resource economics | 6 Credits |
XX50207 | Independent research essay | 6 Credits |
Units to be Audited: Select a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 Unit(s) from the following list: |
Students may find it beneficial to audit an additional unit from this list to help develop XX50137 (Long research apprenticeship project). You may not choose a unit for audit that you have already selected from the previous list. |
AA00011 | Choose nothing from this list of options |
ES50053 | Growth theory |
ES50057 | Development economics |
ES50059 | Environmental & resource economics |
Dissertation Period: Project/Dissertation Units |
Compulsory Units |
ES50064 | Economics: Masters dissertation | 30 Credits |