- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

CE10087: First year design project

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2016/7
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: Department of Chemical Engineering
Further information on credits Credits: 3      [equivalent to 6 CATS credits]
Further information on notional study hours Notional Study Hours: 60
Further information on unit levels Level: Certificate (FHEQ level 4)
Further information on teaching periods Period:
Semester 2
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Detail:
  • Coursework (CW 100%)
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Further information on requisites Requisites:
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:
To provide students with a practice in team working on an open ended project requiring the exercise of creativity to engineer solutions.

Learning Outcomes:
After successfully completing this unit students should be able to:
* Solve an open ended problem in a team working environment.
* Synthesize material learnt in separate units to develop a solution to an engineering problem as a group activity.

Team working, problem solving, presentation skills (assessed), use of log book.

A simple design problem in an area which will complement design activity in later units.
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

CE10087 is Compulsory on the following programmes:

Department of Chemical Engineering
  • UECE-AFM01 : MEng(Hons) Biochemical Engineering (Year 1)
  • UECE-AKM01 : MEng(Hons) Biochemical Engineering with Year long work placement (Year 1)
  • UECE-AFB05 : BEng(Hons) Chemical Engineering (Year 1)
  • UECE-AKB05 : BEng(Hons) Chemical Engineering with Year long work placement (Year 1)
  • UECE-AFM05 : MEng(Hons) Chemical Engineering (Year 1)
  • UECE-AKM05 : MEng(Hons) Chemical Engineering with Year long work placement (Year 1)
