Department of Education |
Below is a list of units offered by the Department of Education in 2016/17. Follow the links on the unit codes to view individual unit descriptions. Units are sorted by level and then by period slot. To find a specific unit code or title please use your browser's find on page function. |
- Certificate (FHEQ level 4) level units (e.g. units coded ED1*)
- Intermediate (FHEQ level 5) level units (e.g. units coded ED2*)
- Honours (FHEQ level 6) level units (e.g. units coded ED3*)
- Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7) level units (e.g. units coded ED4* or ED5*)
- Doctoral (FHEQ level 8) level units (e.g. units coded ED6*)
Level: Certificate (FHEQ level 4) |
Semester 1 |
ED10001 | Exploring effective learning | 6 Credits |
ED10162 | Introduction to research methods I | 6 Credits |
ED10346 | Education and schooling: an introduction | 6 Credits |
ED10494 | Children's rights: a global approach | 6 Credits |
Semester 2 |
ED10001 | Exploring effective learning | 6 Credits |
ED10002 | Learning: Theory & context | 6 Credits |
ED10347 | Deviance: psychological and sociological perspectives | 6 Credits |
ED10348 | The family as educator: cross cultural issues | 6 Credits |
ED10350 | Education and social justice - philosophical and sociological perspectives | 6 Credits |
Level: Intermediate (FHEQ level 5) |
Academic Year |
ED20446 | Professional placement | 60 Credits |
Semester 1 |
ED20003 | Education in society | 6 Credits |
ED20152 | Introduction to research methods II | 6 Credits |
ED20437 | Intervention, organisation and practice | 6 Credits |
ED20495 | Psychology and educational policy: a critical perspective | 6 Credits |
Semester 2 |
ED20126 | Educational psychology | 6 Credits |
ED20194 | Talk and learning | 6 Credits |
ED20436 | Education inequalities in low income contexts | 6 Credits |
ED20442 | Contemporary issues in childhood and youth 1: theoretical perspectives | 6 Credits |
Level: Honours (FHEQ level 6) |
Semester 1 |
ED30005 | Science education in practice | 6 Credits |
ED30443 | Contemporary issues in childhood and youth 2: policy and practice | 6 Credits |
ED30444 | Dissertation part 1 | 6 Credits |
ED30496 | Education inequality in high income countries | 6 Credits |
Semester 2 |
ED30006 | Issues in science education | 6 Credits |
ED30445 | Dissertation part 2 | 18 Credits |
ED30483 | Children and technology: a global perspective | 6 Credits |
Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7) |
Academic Year |
ED50485 | Research methods in international education and globalisation | 12 Credits |
Dissertation period |
ED50484 | Dissertation for the MA TESOL | 30 Credits |
ED50491 | Dissertation in international education and globalisation (IEG) | 30 Credits |
Modular |
ED50303 | Assessment | 12 Credits |
ED50304 | Education and society | 12 Credits |
ED50307 | Curriculum studies | 12 Credits |
ED50308 | Dissertation | 30 Credits |
ED50311 | Education in an international context | 12 Credits |
ED50312 | Educational enquiry 1 | 12 Credits |
ED50317 | Language teaching methodology and curriculum | 12 Credits |
ED50318 | Leading and managing educational innovation | 12 Credits |
ED50319 | Leading and managing schools and colleges | 12 Credits |
ED50326 | Research methods in education | 12 Credits |
ED50327 | Second language acquisition | 12 Credits |
ED50330 | Technologies for learning | 12 Credits |
ED50333 | Understanding learners and learning | 12 Credits |
ED50343 | Educational enquiry (six credit) | 6 Credits |
ED50479 | Language awareness | 12 Credits |
ED50480 | Teaching and assessing English as an international language | 12 Credits |
ED50492 | Research methods for second language education 1 | 6 Credits |
ED50493 | Research methods for second language education 2 | 6 Credits |
Semester 1 |
ED50327 | Second language acquisition | 12 Credits |
ED50337 | Contemporary issues in education research 1: critical users | 6 Credits |
ED50479 | Language awareness | 12 Credits |
ED50486 | Education in an international and global context | 12 Credits |
ED50487 | Education, globalisation and change for IEG | 12 Credits |
ED50492 | Research methods for second language education 1 | 6 Credits |
Semester 2 |
ED50300 | Education, globalisation and change | 6 Credits |
ED50317 | Language teaching methodology and curriculum | 12 Credits |
ED50369 | Contemporary issues in educational research 2: competent producers | 6 Credits |
ED50480 | Teaching and assessing English as an international language | 12 Credits |
ED50488 | Learning and culture | 12 Credits |
ED50489 | Education and international development for IEG | 12 Credits |
ED50490 | Leading educational innovation in international education and globalisation | 12 Credits |
ED50493 | Research methods for second language education 2 | 6 Credits |
Level: Doctoral (FHEQ level 8) |
Modular |
ED60272 | Educational research: philosophy and practice | 18 Credits |
ED60273 | Educational policy: theory and practice | 18 Credits |
ED60277 | Educational management, leadership and administration | 18 Credits |
ED60278 | International education: philosophy and practice | 18 Credits |
ED60279 | Language, culture and education | 18 Credits |
ED60281 | Learning pedagogy and diversity | 18 Credits |
ED60297 | Reading paper | 18 Credits |
ED60298 | Pilot research enquiry | 18 Credits |
ED60341 | Research enquiry: thesis for professional doctorate | 198 Credits |