- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

PH30025: Mathematical methods

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2016/7
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: Department of Physics
Further information on credits Credits: 6      [equivalent to 12 CATS credits]
Further information on notional study hours Notional Study Hours: 120
Further information on unit levels Level: Honours (FHEQ level 6)
Further information on teaching periods Period:
Semester 2
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Summary: EX 100%
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Detail:
  • Examination (EX 100%)
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment:
Mandatory extra work (where allowed by programme regulations)
Further information on requisites Requisites: Before taking this module you must take PH20019 AND take PH20020
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:
The aim of this unit is to continue the development of students' mathematical knowledge and skills by introducing concepts and methods used in a mathematical description of the physical world.

Learning Outcomes:
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
* derive theorems of analytic functions and use them to evaluate integrals;
* use superposition methods for inhomogeneous equations;
* solve problems in scattering theory;
* derive the Euler-Lagrange equation and solve problems using the calculus of variations.

Numeracy T/F A, Problem Solving T/F A.

Functions of a complex variable (10 hours): Functions of z, multivalued functions, branch points and branch cuts. Differentiation, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Complex integration; Cauchy's theorem and integral. Taylor and Laurent expansions. Residue theorem, evaluation of real integrals. Kramers-Kronig relations.
Superposition methods (8 hours): Sturm-Liouville theory, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, orthogonality of eigenfunctions. Solution of inhomogeneous equations. Green's functions. Examples using 1D and 3D operators. Scattering theory.
Calculus of variations (4 hours): Euler-Lagrange equation: derivation and examples. Inclusion of constraints: Lagrange multipliers, examples.
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

PH30025 is Optional on the following programmes:

Department of Physics
  • USPH-AFB01 : BSc(Hons) Physics (Year 3)
  • USPH-AAB02 : BSc(Hons) Physics with Study year abroad (Year 4)
  • USPH-AKB02 : BSc(Hons) Physics with Year long work placement (Year 4)
  • USPH-AFM02 : MPhys(Hons) Physics (Year 3)
  • USPH-AFM04 : MPhys(Hons) Physics with Research placement (Year 3)
  • USPH-AKM03 : MPhys(Hons) Physics with Professional Placement (Year 4)
  • USPH-AKM04 : MPhys(Hons) Physics with Professional and Research Placements (Year 4)
  • USPH-AFB05 : BSc(Hons) Physics with Computing (Year 3)
  • USPH-AAB06 : BSc(Hons) Physics with Computing with Study year abroad (Year 4)
  • USPH-AKB06 : BSc(Hons) Physics with Computing with Year long work placement (Year 4)
Programmes in Natural Sciences
  • UXXX-AFB01 : BSc(Hons) Natural Sciences (Year 3)
  • UXXX-AAB02 : BSc(Hons) Natural Sciences with Study year abroad (Year 4)
  • UXXX-AKB02 : BSc(Hons) Natural Sciences with Year long work placement (Year 4)
  • UXXX-AFM01 : MSci(Hons) Natural Sciences (Year 3)
  • UXXX-AAM02 : MSci(Hons) Natural Sciences with Study year abroad (Year 4)
  • UXXX-AKM02 : MSci(Hons) Natural Sciences with Professional Placement (Year 4)
