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Programme & Unit Catalogues

CM50287: Web architectures and services

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2019/0
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: Department of Computer Science
Further information on credits Credits: 6      [equivalent to 12 CATS credits]
Further information on notional study hours Notional Study Hours: 120
Further information on unit levels Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7)
Further information on teaching periods Period:
Semester 2
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Summary: CW100
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Detail:
  • Assessment detail to be confirmed
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment:
Coursework reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Further information on requisites Requisites: This unit is only available to apprentices on the Level 7 Digital and Technology Solution Specialist Apprenticeship
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:
To develop an understanding of:
* traditional network and distributed computing architectures.
* service orientated architectures and their evolution into microservice architecture.
* the design and development of microservices including common characteristics such as communication, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralised control of languages and data.
* the benefits and limitations of webservice architectures.
* the applications of webservices in different domains.

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
* understand traditional network and distributed computing architectures.
* understand service orientated architectures and their evolution into microservice architecture.
* demonstrate an in-depth understanding of web architectures and services.
* demonstrate an understanding of the design and development of microservices including the use of appropriate frameworks and development methodologies.
* critically analyse the choice and use of specific technologies for web architectures and services.

Use of IT (T/F,A), Problem Solving (T/F,A), Communication (T/F,A), Critical thinking (T/F,A).


* Introduction to traditional network and distributed computing architectures.
* Introduction to service orientated architectures and their evolution into microservice architecture.
* Design and develop microservices which reflect commonly agreed characteristics for example using communication protocols, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints and decentralised control data.
* Introduce and discuss the benefits and limitations of webservice architectures.
* Introduce and discuss the applications of webservices in different domains.
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

CM50287 is Optional on the following programmes:

Department of Computer Science
