SP30259: Mental health social work 2
[Page last updated: 15 October 2020]
![]() | 2020/1 |
![]() | Department of Social & Policy Sciences |
![]() | 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits] |
![]() | 120 |
![]() | Honours (FHEQ level 6) |
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![]() | This unit is only available to students on the BSc Social Work & Applied Social Studies. |
Description: | Aims: * To ensure students meet both the Standards of Proficiency (HCPC) and Professional Capabilities Framework (TCSW) in relation to work with children and families; * To enable students to develop their knowledge, skills and values so that they are better able to work with service users with mental health problems in multi-professional settings and in private, voluntary and social enterprise organisations; * To assess need and risk and to work collaboratively with service users and carers to promote their wellbeing; * This Unit builds on students' prior learning from personal and/or professional experience and from previous study, including Mental Health Social Work 1(SP20258). Learning Outcomes: After completing the unit, students should have a knowledge and understanding of: 1. The role of the social worker within a range of mental health settings PCF 1.2; 2. The perspectives of service users, carers and models of collaborative working; PCF2.4; 5.12, 3. How mental health law, capacity law and mental health policy impacts on practice; PCF 2.1; 4.2;4.3; 4.5, 5.2; 8.3 4. The inter-agency, multi-disciplinary and inter-professional dimension to practice; PCF5.9; 8.6; 8.7 5. The range of theories and models for social work intervention in mental health with individuals, families, groups and communities and the methods derived from them; PCF5.1; 5.8; 6.4; 7.6 6. The factors that create or exacerbate risk for service, users, their carers and the wider community and models of assessing and managing such risks; PCF-5.7; 7.4; 7.12; 7. Recognise the value of research and analysis and be able to evaluate such evidence to inform their own practice; PCF 5.1; 5.10 8. Be aware of the impact of culture, equality and diversity on practice and strategies to challenge discrimination; PCF2.3; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1;4.4 Skills: After completing the unit, students should have the INTELLECTUAL/KEY SKILLS to: 1. Understand and apply the profession's ethical principles and legislation, taking account of these in reaching decisions (taught, facilitated, assessed); PCF2.1; 2.2 2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the legal and policy contexts that inform and mandate social work practice (taught, facilitated, assessed);PCF 5.2; 8.3 3. Reflect on and review practice demonstrating a capacity for logical, systematic, critical and imaginative reasoning (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 6.1; 6.4 4. Develop critical, analytical problem-based learning skills and the transferable skills to prepare the student for graduate employment (facilitated and assessed); PCF 1.1; 6.2; 6.6 5. Gather information, data, research and literature from a number of different sources (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 6.2 6. Select appropriate and relevant information from a wide source and large body of knowledge (facilitated and assessed); PCF 6.2; 6.5 7. Analyse and synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding (facilitated and assessed); PCF 6.2; 6.3 8. Utilise problem solving skills (facilitated and assessed);PCF 6.1; 6.4 Students should also have the PROFESSIONAL/PRACTICAL SKILLS to: 9. Value and take into account the expertise of service users, carers and professionals (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 2.4; 5.12; 7.5 10. Demonstrate an ability to apply social work ethics within a mental health context (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 2.1; 2.3 11. Apply mental capacity and mental health law to a variety of practice settings (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 2.1;4.2;4.3; 4.5, 5.2; 8.3 12. Assess and manage need and risk within current policy frameworks (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF-5.7; 7.4; 7.12; 13. Demonstrate a critical understanding of theory and knowledge from sociology, social policy, psychology and health and apply these in practice (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 5.1 14. Critically evaluate and assess mental health research and use such evidence to inform practice (facilitated and assessed); PCF 5.1, 5.10 15. Reflect upon their own academic and professional performance and take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development (facilitated and assessed); PCF 1.3, 1.9 16. Understand the different social and organisational contexts in which social work operates and the role and responsibility of social workers within mental health services (taught, facilitated, assessed); PCF 3.2; 3.3; 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 17. Begin to formulate and make explicit evidence-based judgements (facilitated and assessed); PCF6.6 Content: * Trust and recovery in mental health services * Assessing the needs of the families of mental health service users * Risk assessment and management within mental health services * A critical view of psychiatric assessment * Promoting social perspectives within a multi-disciplinary setting * The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards * Community Treatment orders * Work within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services * Independent Mental Health Advocacy * Working with offenders with mental health problems * Working with violence and aggression within mental health services * Mental Health Tribunals. |
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SP30259 is a Designated Essential Unit on the following programmes:Department of Social & Policy Sciences
SP30259 is Optional on the following programmes:Department of Social & Policy Sciences