- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

PS50217: Clinical psychology practice for adults

[Page last updated: 26 October 2023]

Academic Year: 2023/24
Owning Department/School: Department of Psychology
Credits: 15 [equivalent to 30 CATS credits]
Notional Study Hours: 300
Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7)
Academic Year
Assessment Summary: CWPG 40%, CWRI 60%
Assessment Detail:
  • Clinical Report (CWRI 60%)
  • Oral presentation (CWPG 40%)
Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
  • Understand the theoretical underpinnings and practical skills involved in Clinical Psychology assessment
  • Understand the governance and practice issues relevant to psychological research in health contexts
  • Understand a range of assessment skills relevant to clinical psychology practice including behavioural assessment, clinical interviewing and psychometric assessment
  • Understand the nature of formulation in clinical psychology practice
  • Understand the mechanisms involved in therapeutic change, with particular relevance to cognitive behavioural interventions
  • Understand the professional and personal skills relevant to Clinical Psychology practice including the use of supervision
  • Access information guiding professional practice of the clinical psychologist
  • Understand the need for professional and ethical standards and codes of conduct for clinical psychologists

Aims: The aim of this unit is:
  • To familiarise students with the discipline of Clinical Psychology Practice for adults.

Skills: Intellectual Skills
  • To communicate an argument (TFA)
  • To evaluate others arguments and research (TFA)
  • To critically evaluate and assess research and evidence as well as a variety of other information. (TFA)
  • To communicate an argument to other health professionals (TFA)

Professional and Personal Skills
  • To effectively and efficiently apply principles of clinical psychology within a variety of health contexts. (TFA)
  • To be able to identify and deploy appropriate assessment strategies in the clinical setting (TFA)
  • To have a sound knowledge of the principles and practice of psychological assessment (TFA)
  • To develop writing skills for clinical and research reports (TFA)
  • To have a sound knowledge of methods of clinical case study design (TFA)
  • To develop sensitivity to the values and interests of others (TF)
  • To be able to use supervision effectively (TF)

Transferable Skills
  • Study and learning skills.(F)
  • Basic information and computing technology skills.(F)
  • To be aware of ethical issues in carrying out research. (TFA)
  • Inter-personal and communication skills.(F)
  • Essay, research, preparation and writing skills. (TFA)
  • Presentation skills and verbal communication. (TFA)
  • To prioritise workloads.(F)
  • Independent and group working skills (F)
  • To understand career opportunities and challenges ahead.(F)

  • The unit provides an overview of the theoretical underpinnings and practical skills involved in Clinical Psychology assessment
  • It introduces the governance and practice issues relevant to psychological research in health contexts
  • Students will develop a range of assessment skills relevant to clinical psychology practice including behavioural assessment, clinical interviewing and psychometric assessment for adults
  • They will be introduced to the nature of formulation in clinical psychology practice for adults
  • Mechanisms involved in therapeutic change, with particular relevance to cognitive behavioural intervention, will be introduced
  • The professional and personal skills relevant to Clinical Psychology practice including the use of supervision will be introduced. 

Course availability:

PS50217 is a Must Pass Unit on the following courses:

Department of Psychology


  • This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2023/24 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2024/25 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2023/24.
  • Courses and units are subject to change in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.