- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

Department of Economics Programme Catalogue 2023/4

THXX-APM20: MRes Economics

Route: MRes Economics


Mode of Attendance: Part-time

Maximum course duration: 2 Years

[Page last updated: 27 October 2023]

Key Information
Applicable assessment regulations:
NFAAR-PGT - https://www.bath.ac.uk/publications/nfaar-pgt-and-appendices/
Applicable NFAAR appendices:
Appendix 11
Approved exemptions:
DACS and exit awards:
THXX-APL09: PG Dip Research (Economics)
THXX-AFC11: PG Cert Research (Economics)
Programme progression requirement:
Not applicable
Total taught and dissertation/project credits:
Taught credits: 60

Please consult your course handbook or contact your Director of Studies for further information on assessment regulations

Part-time students will typically take either two or three units in each semester, aiming to complete 30 credits in the first year and 30 in the second year. Preference is given to completing as many of the compulsory units in the first year of studies (so as to provide the core knowledge). Optional units along with any remaining compulsory units are taken in the second year. However the actual balance will be flexible subject to agreement by the Director of Studies.
Designated Essential Units:
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
XX50236 Research apprenticeship project 18 Credits
Designated Essential Units:
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50073 Research methods in economics 6 Credits
ES50101 Macroeconomic theory 6 Credits
ES50102 Microeconomic theory 6 Credits
Compulsory Units:
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50100 Econometric theory 6 Credits
Units to be Audited: Select a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 units from the following list:
Students may find it beneficial to audit a unit from this list to help develop the Research apprenticeship project (XX50236). Your selection must have the approval of the relevant unit convenor.
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50074 Financial economics 6 Credits
Compulsory Units:
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50094 Advanced economic theory 6 Credits
ES50103 Quantitative methods for economics 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 unit from the following list:
Further information on DoS approved options Director of Studies approved option allowed: students may be permitted to take a Director of Studies approved option as an alternative to one of the units from this list
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50053 Growth theory 6 Credits
ES50061 Financial econometrics 6 Credits
ES50078 International monetary policy & institutions 6 Credits
Units to be Audited: Select a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 units from the following list:
Students may find it beneficial to audit an additional unit from this list to help develop the Research apprenticeship project (XX50236). You may not choose a unit for audit that you have already selected from the previous list.
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
ES50053 Growth theory 6 Credits
ES50059 Environmental & resource economics 6 Credits
Compulsory Units:
Unit Code
ECTS Credits
XX50140 MRes dissertation 30 Credits


  • Courses and units may be changed in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • This course catalogue is applicable for all years of study for the 2023/24 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2024/25 and beyond should not assume that this programme, or its component units, will be delivered in future years in the format displayed here.
  • Assessment regulations are subject to review and update. Links given here will provide access to the latest versions of documentation. The regulations described in this documentation may not necessarily be those which applied in previous academic years. For detailed information on how assessment regulations were applied to this course in previous academic years, please contact the relevant Director of Studies.
  • Availability of units is subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.