- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

HL40487: Advanced analysis of human movement and motor skills

[Page last updated: 23 October 2023]

Academic Year: 2023/24
Owning Department/School: Department for Health
Credits: 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits]
Notional Study Hours: 120
Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7)
Semester 2
Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Assessment Detail:
  • Coursework (CW 100% - Qualifying Mark: 1)
Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Requisites: Before taking this module you must take HL30056 AND ( take HL30186 OR take HL30187 )
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
* demonstrate an understanding of movement and coordination variability, its interpretation, and the role it plays in the assessment of movement and motor skills;
* demonstrate a critical awareness of both conventional and more advanced techniques to address the analysis of task execution and task outcome, and to capture motor and coordinative skills;
* critically analyse, synthesise and discuss scientific literature on movement and coordination variability;
* systematically and creatively apply biomechanical techniques to assess movement and coordination variability;
* analyse, discuss and critically interpret laboratory results;
* write a brief scientific communication ready to be submitted to a relevant international conference.

Aims: To progress the student's knowledge, understanding and application of advanced instruments and methods for the assessment of motor skills.

Skills: Knowledge and Understanding - taught, facilitated and assessed.
Intellectual Skills - facilitated and assessed.
Written Communication - facilitated and assessed.
Spoken communication - facilitated.
Information Technology - taught, facilitated and assessed.
Problem Solving - taught, facilitated and assessed.
Data Acquisition, Handling and Analysis - taught, facilitated and assessed.
Working Independently - facilitated and assessed.
Working as part of a group - facilitated and assessed.

Content: Movement and coordination variability.
Contemporary issues in the analysis of motor skills and performance.
Methods to study movement variability, coordination and variability in coordination.

Course availability:

HL40487 is a Must Pass Unit on the following courses:

Department for Health
  • UHHL-AFM22 : MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (Year 4)
  • UHHL-ACM01 : MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Combined Professional Placement and Study Abroad (Year 5)
  • UHHL-AAM01 : MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Study year abroad (Year 5)
  • UHHL-AKM01 : MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Professional Placement (Year 5)


  • This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2023/24 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2024/25 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2023/24.
  • Courses and units are subject to change in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.