- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

SP20021: Critical reflection on professional practice 1

[Page last updated: 26 October 2023]

Academic Year: 2023/24
Owning Department/School: Department of Social & Policy Sciences
Credits: 12 [equivalent to 24 CATS credits]
Notional Study Hours: 240
Level: Intermediate (FHEQ level 5)
Semester 1
Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Assessment Detail:
  • Assessment Group S: Coursework (100%) (SW) (CW 100% - Qualifying Mark: 40)
  • Assessment Group N: Coursework (100%) (Non SW) (CW 100%)
Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Requisites: While taking this module you must take SP20255 This unit is only available to SWASS students.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this unit students will have developed the capacity to reflect effectively on: Knowledge: 1. Knowledge of the nature of social care services and practices (relating to their particular placement agency) (PS
* 3.1; 3.3; 3.6; 3.8; 3.9; 3.12) 2. Knowledge of the purpose of partnership working and information sharing across professional disciplines and agencies and with services users and carers. (PS 1.3; 1.4; 2.3; 3.5; 3.6; 3.9) (PCF 2.4; 5.12; 8.7) 3. Knowledge of professional ethics and of legislative and policy frameworks (PS 2.6; 2.7; 3.1) (PCF 2.1; 5.2) 4. Knowledge of organisational processes such as policy implementation, management, use of information technology and the pursuit of quality in service delivery (PS 3.10; 3.11; 3.12; 5.6; 6.2; 6.5)
* Social Work England's Professional Standards (PS)

* To ensure students meet both Social Work England's Regulatory Professional Standards (PS) and Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) (BASW) in relation to professional reflection and development
* To ensure that students are able to demonstrate an ability to work with individuals, groups or communities drawing critically on professional knowledge.

Skills: By the end of this unit students will have developed: Intellectual skills 1. To articulate the role of a social worker within their practice context (taught, facilitated, and assessed); PCF 1.2; 8.2; 8.5 2. To critically evaluate practice evidence in the sector particular to the placement (taught, facilitated and assessed). PCF 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 6.5; 6.6 3. To recognise and reflect on ethical dilemmas (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6 4. To think creatively and analytically, showing an awareness of the impact of socio-economic and cultural factors (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 3.1; 5.4; 6.1 5. To critically reflect on knowledge and practice relevant to social care (taught, facilitated and assessed) 6. To communicate an argument (facilitated and assessed) Professional skills 7. To develop and reflect on their skills and values through professional supervision (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2.2 8. With reference to current legislative requirements, recognise personal and organisational discrimination and oppression and identify ways in which they might be challenged (facilitated and assessed) PCF 3.2 9. To demonstrate an ability to assess need and risk and to make informed decisions about social work interventions drawing on ethical frameworks, theory and research (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 2.1; 5.1; 7.4; 7.12 10. To develop and reflect on their skills in communication across a range of interventions with professionals, carers and service users in written and verbal forms, have a clear understanding of the principles of partnership working, inter-cultural communication, and confidentiality (facilitated and assessed); PCF 7.1; 7.11 11. To use a planned and structured approach, informed by social work methods, models and tools, to promote positive change and independence and to prevent harm (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 7.6 12. To take responsibility for continuing personal and professional learning and development (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 1.5; 1.9;1.10 13. To develop and reflect sensitivity on the values and interests of others (facilitated and assessed); 14. To challenge poor practice or discrimination at an organisational or individual level as necessary (facilitated and assessed); PCF 1.8 15. To effectively apply principles of sociological/social policy analysis within the placement environment (taught, facilitated and assessed); PCF 5.1 Key skills 16. To critically reflect upon his/her own academic and professional learning and development.

* The content for the student's study will be based on the placement being undertaken by the student.
* Content will also be provided during an initial lecture introducing the concept of critical reflection on the pre-placement days, by Panopto presentations and facilitated discussion at the Recall days held at the University
* The content for the assignment will be drawn from the 80 days practice learning placement as the assignment has to reflect the content of the students practice with individual service users, families and/or groups and organisations. Other practice learning content can be seen in the Practice Learning Placement Year 2 Unit studied concurrently. Lecture
* Introduction to critical reflection theory and application in practice Panopto lectures
* How to gather and reflect on service user feedback
* How to apply theories and methods in practice
* How to apply knowledge of law and policy in practice
* How to apply values and ethics in practice
* How to apply research evidence in practice.

Course availability:

SP20021 is a Must Pass Unit on the following courses:

Department of Social & Policy Sciences
  • UHSP-AFB15 : BSc(Hons) Social Work and Applied Social Studies (Year 2)


  • This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2023/24 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2024/25 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2023/24.
  • Courses and units are subject to change in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.