- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

HL20051: One year combined professional placement & study abroad

[Page last updated: 03 June 2024]

Academic Year: 2024/25
Owning Department/School: Department for Health
Credits: 60 [equivalent to 120 CATS credits]
Notional Study Hours: 1,200
Level: Intermediate (FHEQ level 5)
Academic Year
Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Assessment Detail:
  • Coursework (CW 100%)
Supplementary Assessment:
Reassessment not allowed
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the Professional Placement, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate awareness of the role of the company/organisation within the wider sport and exercise science context
* Demonstrate improved key skills particularly in the areas of oral and written communication, time management, problem solving, group working and decision making.
On successful completion of the period of study abroad, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate improved communication skills and an ability to work in an environment with an unfamiliar culture.
* Demonstrate development of the appropriate language skills for study in the host language (for students attending courses taught and examined in a foreign language)
* Demonstrate development of general communication skills in the host language (for students attending courses taught and examined in English).

Aims: Short Professional Placement:
To provide practical experience in the application of knowledge and skills gained at the University of Bath , by working on a significant research project or other professional activity in an approved laboratory or organisation working in Sport and Exercise Science related activities.
Single Semester Study Abroad:
To develop the self-confidence and maturity to enable a student to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background.

Skills: Professional development - facilitated.
Life skills - facilitated.
Communication skills - facilitated.

Content: Short Professional Placement: The content varies from placement to placement. In choosing the placement, the University will try to ensure that the project offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in a significant number of the following skills. Application of academic knowledge, Practical ability, Computational skill, Analytical and problem solving skill, Innovation and originality, Time management, Writing skills, Oral expression, Interpersonal skills, Responsibility and reliability.
Single Semester Study Abroad: The student should follow a course equivalent to 30 University of Bath credits. Programmes of work will be decided by negotiation between the Director of Studies at Bath, the host University and the student. Units studied should complement and not duplicate those within the Bath programme. Language courses and courses relating to aspects of the host country should be considered in addition to topics in Sport and Exercise Science.

Course availability:

HL20051 is a Designated Essential Unit on the following courses:

Department for Health
  • UHHL-ACB22 : BSc(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Combined Professional Placement and Study Abroad (Year 3)
  • UHHL-ACM22 : MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Combined Professional Placement and Study Abroad (Year 3)


  • This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2024/25 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2025/26 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2024/25.
  • Courses and units are subject to change in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.