- Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

PL22028: Peace, conflict and international security

[Page last updated: 03 June 2024]

Academic Year: 2024/25
Owning Department/School: Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies
Credits: 10 [equivalent to 20 CATS credits]
Notional Study Hours: 200
Level: Intermediate (FHEQ level 5)
Semester 2
Assessment Summary: CWES 70%, EXCB 30%
Assessment Detail:
  • Essay (CWES 70%)
  • Closed-book written examination (EXCB 30%)
Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Learning Outcomes: Students successfully completing the unit will demonstrate: understanding of historical trends in conflict and peace-building; detailed understanding of core theories of conflict and security; awareness of and ability to work with key conflict databases; ability to apply theories and core concepts to concrete case studies of conflict and peace-making.

Synopsis: Explore the research, theories and practice of security, conflict, and peace-making. You will learn about the historical trends in conflict and explore main concepts and theories in conflict analysis and security studies. Finally, youll examine current conflicts, involving you in coursework that applies analytical tools taught in the unit.

Content: The unit first introduces the historical trends in conflict. It then explicates the main concepts in conflict analysis and teaches how to distinguish between conflict, different types of violence (state and non-state, intra-state and inter-state), war, and peace. The unit also introduces students to the most used datasets on conflicts making the student aware of how to do independent research on trends of conflict and trends in conflict termination. After this, the unit will focus on the main theories of security, conflict and peace followed by theories of conflict prevention. Finally, the unit will focus on one or two current conflicts, trying to utilise data and theories taught in the unit for the analysis of these conflicts. This stage will involve students in coursework that applies analytical tools taught in the unit.

Course availability:

PL22028 is Compulsory on the following courses:

Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies
  • UHPL-AKB67 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio French) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB68 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio German) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB71 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio Italian) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB72 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio Mandarin) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB70 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio Russian) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB69 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (ab initio Spanish) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB67 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (French) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB68 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (German) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB69 : BA(Hons) International Politics and Modern Languages (Spanish) with year abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AFB53 : BSc(Hons) Politics and International Relations (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB53 : BSc(Hons) Politics and International Relations with professional placement (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB53 : BSc(Hons) Politics and International Relations with professional placement and study abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB53 : BSc(Hons) Politics and International Relations with study abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AFB54 : BSc(Hons) Politics with Economics (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB54 : BSc(Hons) Politics with Economics with professional placement (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB54 : BSc(Hons) Politics with Economics with professional placement and study abroad (Year 2)
  • UHPL-AKB54 : BSc(Hons) Politics with Economics with study abroad (Year 2)


  • This unit catalogue is applicable for the 2024/25 academic year only. Students continuing their studies into 2025/26 and beyond should not assume that this unit will be available in future years in the format displayed here for 2024/25.
  • Courses and units are subject to change in accordance with normal University procedures.
  • Availability of units will be subject to constraints such as staff availability, minimum and maximum group sizes, and timetabling factors as well as a student's ability to meet any pre-requisite rules.
  • Find out more about these and other important University terms and conditions here.