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MRes units from the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Unit Index 2024/25

Below is a list of units offered for MRes courses by the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences in 2024/25. Follow the links on the unit codes to view individual unit descriptions. Units are sorted by level and then by period slot. To find a specific unit code or title please use your browser's find on page function.

Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7)

Academic Year

HS52009 Dissertation 40 Credits
HS52015 Principles of social sciences research 10 Credits

Dissertation period

HS52009 Dissertation 40 Credits

Semester 1

HS52004 AQM 1 - Experimental and quasi-experimental quantitative methods for social science 5 Credits
HS52006 Contemporary debates in lifestyle behaviours and public health 5 Credits
HS52007 Contemporary debates in sustainability 5 Credits
HS52008 Digital methods and data skills for MRes 5 Credits
HS52013 Research design and methods for AQM 5 Credits
HS52016 Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods 10 Credits

Semester 2

HS52001 Advanced computational social science methods and applications 10 Credits
HS52002 Advanced qualitative methods 5 Credits
HS52003 Advanced quantitative methods 5 Credits
HS52005 AQM 2 - Advanced modelling techniques for social sciences 5 Credits
HS52010 Independent research essay 5 Credits
HS52012 Mathematics and programming skills for social scientists 5 Credits