HL10521 | Human physiology | 10 Credits |
HL10522 | Functional anatomy and biomechanics | 10 Credits |
HL10523 | Applied practice in sport and exercise | 15 Credits |
HL10524 | Research and study skills for sport, health and exercise scientists | 10 Credits |
HL10525 | Sport and exercise psychology | 10 Credits |
HL10526 | Public and social health | 15 Credits |
HL10528 | Studying sport 1: knowledge, ethics, and communication | 15 Credits |
HL10529 | Coaching and physical education | 15 Credits |
HL10530 | Psychology and sociology of sport, exercise, and health | 15 Credits |
HL10531 | Sport management and development | 15 Credits |
HL12002 | Sports performance seminar | 10 Credits |
HL12003 | Introduction to research methods | 15 Credits |
HL12004 | Science of sports performance | 15 Credits |
HL20046 | One year study abroad | 60 Credits |
HL20047 | One year professional placement | 60 Credits |
HL20051 | One year combined professional placement & study abroad | 60 Credits |
HL20192 | Sport management & coaching professional placement | 60 Credits |
HL20533 | Biomechanics and motor control | 15 Credits |
HL20534 | The psychology of sport and exercise participation | 15 Credits |
HL20535 | Research skills and statistics for sport, exercise and health scientists | 5 Credits |
HL20536 | Sport and exercise medicine | 10 Credits |
HL20537 | Physiology of health, exercise and nutrition (SES) | 15 Credits |
HL20539 | Psychology and health communication | 15 Credits |
HL20540 | Population level public health | 15 Credits |
HL20542 | Studying sport 2: research methods | 20 Credits |
HL20543 | Applied coaching and performance management | 10 Credits |
HL20544 | Sociology of sport and health | 10 Credits |
HL20545 | Sport marketing and promotions | 10 Credits |
HL22009 | Advanced research methods | 10 Credits |
HL22010 | Contemporary issues and applied professional practice | 15 Credits |
HL22011 | Talent identification and development | 15 Credits |
HL22016 | Population level public health for BMS | 10 Credits |
HL30464 | Dissertation | 24 Credits |
HL30502 | Research project (Biomedical Sciences) | 24 Credits |
HL30552 | Research project | 25 Credits |
HL30567 | Research project design and preparation | 10 Credits |
HL30569 | Studying sport 3: dissertation | 20 Credits |
HL30570 | Sport and social change | 10 Credits |
HL30571 | Advanced issues in coaching | 10 Credits |
HL30572 | Advanced issues in physical education | 10 Credits |
HL30573 | Advanced issues in the sociology of sport and health | 10 Credits |
HL30574 | Advanced issues in sport, exercise, and health psychology | 10 Credits |
HL30575 | Advanced issues in sport management | 10 Credits |
HL30576 | Advanced issues in sport for development | 10 Credits |
HL30188 | Environmental & occupational physiology | 6 Credits |
HL30396 | Sports performance research seminar | 6 Credits |
HL30465 | Managing the performance athlete 2 | 6 Credits |
HL30468 | Coaching & pedagogy 2: practical sports coaching | 6 Credits |
HL30470 | Sports physiology 2: contemporary issues in specific populations | 6 Credits |
HL30472 | Sports policy 2: managing sport in the global environment | 6 Credits |
HL30559 | Exercise prescription | 7.5 Credits |
HL30560 | Nutrition and health | 7.5 Credits |
HL30561 | The science of physical sensation | 7.5 Credits |
HL30563 | Environmental and occupational exercise physiology | 7.5 Credits |
HL30564 | Applied sport biomechanics | 7.5 Credits |
HL30565 | Applied sport psychology | 7.5 Credits |
HL30566 | Clinical biomechanics | 7.5 Credits |
HL30568 | Advanced quantitative and qualitative data analyses | 7.5 Credits |
HL50072 | The psychology of sport and exercise | 6 Credits |
HL50077 | Research project design | 6 Credits |
HL50078 | Research project | 24 Credits |
HL50079 | Introduction to practice-based research | 6 Credits |
HL50082 | Evidence into practice | 6 Credits |
HL50105 | Research design and methods | 12 Credits |
HL50111 | Sports injuries and rehabilitation | 12 Credits |
HL50141 | Sports physiotherapy in practice II | 6 Credits |
HL50143 | Athlete management | 6 Credits |
HL50144 | Evidence-based clinical sports physiotherapy | 6 Credits |
HL50145 | Sports physiotherapy research project | 18 Credits |
HL50157 | Exercise for health | 6 Credits |
HL50162 | Performance physiotherapy - spine | 6 Credits |
HL50163 | Performance physiotherapy - lower limb | 6 Credits |
HL50164 | Performance physiotherapy - upper limb | 6 Credits |
HL50497 | SEM in practice 2 | 6 Credits |
HL50610 | Football medicine in practice 2 | 6 Credits |
HL50611 | Advanced football medicine | 6 Credits |
HL52035 | Exercise behaviour change for population health | 5 Credits |
HL52036 | Football medicine in practice I | 5 Credits |
HL52038 | Foundations of biomechanics and physiology for clinicians | 15 Credits |
HL52043 | Sport and exercise medicine in practice I | 5 Credits |
HL52045 | Sports environment | 5 Credits |
HL52046 | Sports physiotherapy in practice I | 10 Credits |
HL52048 | The sport and exercise doctor | 5 Credits |