ME30029 | Control systems | 6 Credits |
ME30030 | Structural mechanics | 6 Credits |
ME30032 | Aerodynamics | 6 Credits |
ME30033 | Mechanical vibrations & noise | 6 Credits |
ME30037 | Internal combustion engine technology | 6 Credits |
ME30041 | Aircraft stability & control | 6 Credits |
ME30042 | Computer integrated manufacturing | 6 Credits |
ME30045 | Aerospace structures 1 | 6 Credits |
ME30060 | Heat transfer | 6 Credits |
ME30067 | Vehicle dynamics | 6 Credits |
ME30197 | Business processes | 6 Credits |
ME30217 | Vehicle engineering | 6 Credits |
ME30218 | Aircraft propulsion | 6 Credits |
ME30219 | Aircraft performance | 6 Credits |
ME30264 | Materials selection in engineering design | 6 Credits |
ME30294 | Product design and development | 6 Credits |
ME30335 | Costing for engineering design and manufacture | 6 Credits |
ME30342 | Advanced manufacturing technology | 6 Credits |
ME30357 | Human centred design project | 6 Credits |
ME30365 | Reverse engineering | 6 Credits |
ME30416 | Engineering management developing products and services in industry | 6 Credits |
ME40046 | Modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems | 6 Credits |
ME40051 | Advanced control | 6 Credits |
ME40054 | Computational fluid dynamics | 6 Credits |
ME40055 | Energy & the environment | 6 Credits |
ME40064 | System modelling & simulation | 6 Credits |
ME40195 | Medical engineering | 6 Credits |
ME40212 | Biomimetics | 6 Credits |
ME40319 | Composite materials | 6 Credits |
ME40331 | Robotics engineering | 6 Credits |
ME40343 | Advanced helicopter dynamics | 6 Credits |
ME40345 | Turbocharging and engine boosting | 6 Credits |
ME40346 | Spacecraft engineering | 6 Credits |
ME40358 | Design optimisation project | 6 Credits |
ME40363 | Major individual design project I | 12 Credits |
ME40388 | Electric propulsion systems | 6 Credits |
ME50371 | Automotive propulsion systems technologies | 6 Credits |
ME50372 | Strategic and innovative thinking | 6 Credits |
ME50373 | Automotive propulsion system evaluation | 12 Credits |
ME50390 | Agile and effective working practices | 5 Credits |
ME50391 | Towards zero emission propulsion | 10 Credits |
ME50392 | Future intelligent vehicle platforms | 10 Credits |
ME50401 | Propulsion and vehicle technologies for sustainable mobility | 15 Credits |
ME50402 | Scientific principles for automotive technologies | 5 Credits |
ME52044 | Organisational change management | 10 Credits |
ME52045 | Building sustainable value | 5 Credits |
ME52052 | Project and change management | 10 Credits |
ME52053 | Systems thinking | 10 Credits |
ME40069 | Single semester engineering project | 30 Credits |
ME40228 | Group business & design project - II | 18 Credits |
ME40314 | Aerospace group business & design project - II | 18 Credits |
ME40315 | External integrated project | 30 Credits |
ME40364 | Major individual design project II | 30 Credits |
ME50374 | Automotive propulsion system business processes | 6 Credits |
ME50375 | Automotive propulsion innovation | 18 Credits |
ME50393 | Propulsion systems engineering in the digital age | 5 Credits |
ME50394 | Automotive systems thinking | 10 Credits |
ME50396 | Research project scoping | 5 Credits |
ME50398 | The business of automotive innovation | 5 Credits |
ME50399 | Project and change management in a rapidly evolving sector | 5 Credits |
ME52047 | Creativity for innovation | 10 Credits |
ME52049 | Developing and manufacturing products and services | 10 Credits |
ME52051 | Project management for decarbonisation | 10 Credits |
ME52054 | Science-based decision making | 10 Credits |