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Undergraduate Course & Unit Catalogues 2024/25

School of Management

Courses in Accounting and Finance

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Year 3 onwards in 2024/25
UMMN-AFB02 BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance
UMMN-AKB02 BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance with Year long work placement
Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-AFB10BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance

Available routes:

UMMN-AKB10BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance with work placement

Available routes:

Courses in Accounting and Management

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-AFB11BSc(Hons) Accounting and Management

Available routes:

UMMN-AKB11BSc(Hons) Accounting and Management with work placement

Available routes:

Courses in Business

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Year 3 onwards in 2024/25
UMMN-ANB01* BSc(Hons) Business Administration with Thin sandwich placement(s)
UMMN-ANB07 BSc(Hons) Business with Thin sandwich placement(s)
Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-ANB12BSc(Hons) Business

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Courses in International Management

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Year 3 onwards in 2024/25
UMMN-AYB06 BSc(Hons) International Management with Year Abroad
Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-AKB13BSc(Hons) International Management with study or work abroad

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Courses in Management

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Year 3 onwards in 2024/25
UMMN-AFB04 BSc(Hons) Management
UMMN-AKB04 BSc(Hons) Management with Year long work placement
Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-AFB14BSc(Hons) Management

Available routes:

UMMN-AKB14BSc(Hons) Management with work placement

Available routes:

Courses in Management with Marketing

Bachelors Degrees

Courses for students in Year 3 onwards in 2024/25
UMMN-AKB05 BSc(Hons) Management with Marketing with Year long work placement
Courses for students in Years 1 and 2 in 2024/25
UMMN-AKB15BSc(Hons) Management with Marketing with work placement

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