Carr, S. (2024) All the Lonely People
Hooker, S. and Woodthorpe, K. (2023) Caring for the dead at home: an exploratory study of home deathcare
Manning, P., Moore, S. et al (2023) Remembering and Narrativizing COVID-19: an early Sociological take
Pendle, N. (2023) Law and Famine: learning from the hunger courts in South Sudan
Woodthorpe, K., Rumble, H. et al (2022) ‘My memories of the time we had together are more important’: direct cremation and the privatisation of UK funerals
Fang, C. and Comery, A. (2021) Understanding grief during the first-wave of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom – a hypothetical approach to challenges and support
Troyer, J. (2020) Technologies of the Human Corpse
De Sousa Martins, A. (2018) Coffins, candles and camerasaspects of Brazilian funerals
Dixon, J. et al (2018) A human rights approach to advocacy for people with dementia: a review of current provision in England and Wales
Teggi, D. (2018) Unexpected death in ill old age: an analysis of disadvantaged dying in the English old population
Visser, R. (2018) Homemaking, temporality and later life
Kralova, J. and Walter, T. (eds) (2017) Social death: questioning the life-death boundary
Johnson, M. (2016) Spirituality, biographical review and biographical pain at the end of life in old age
Templeton et al (2016) Bereavement following a fatal overdose: the experiences of adults in England and Scotland
Bailey, T. and Walter, T (2015) Funerals against death
Brown, L. and Walter, T. (2014) Towards a social model of end of life care
Valentine, C. (2008) Bereavement Narratives: continuing bonds in the twenty-first century
Howarth, G. (2007) Death and Dying: a Sociological Introduction
Kellehear, A. (2007) A Social History of Dying
MacConville, U. (2006) Mapping Religion and Spirituality in an Irish Palliative Care Setting
20 CDAS publications for 20 years!
To mark our 20th anniversary we have sourced 20 books and papers written by CDAS staff and PhD students while they were with the Centre

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