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Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee, including its primary responsibilities and procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

Purpose of the Committee


The aim of the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee is to oversee and promote the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of teaching and research.


The Committee will be responsible for advising Senate on the development, implementation and review of strategic procedures and guidelines relating to academic ethics. The Committee is responsible for the strategic development of the University's research integrity agenda, in compliance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

The role of the Committee will be proactive in relation to emerging issues of national or international significance.

Functions and duties

Functions include:

  • upholding the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research and research-related learning and teaching and to review progress regularly
  • ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards
  • supporting an academic environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice, and conducive to the development of researchers

Duties include:

  • to advise Senate on the development of policies and guidelines relating to teaching and research ethics
  • to advise Senate on the development, publication and review of criteria to be applied to research sponsorship
  • to promote and monitor good practice relating to ethical considerations and maintaining academic integrity within the institution
  • to monitor academic ethical practice within the University, providing advice to the Research Ethics Committees and Review Body on ethical issues and receiving minutes and reports from the Research Ethics Committees and Review Body where appropriate
  • to formulate institutional responses to national and international developments relating to teaching and research ethics
  • to consider any matters referred to the Committee by Council, Senate, the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee, Boards of Studies, Departments/the School of Management and individual members of staff

Reporting Relationships

The Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee reports to Senate. It also works closely with Council’s University Ethics Committee which is responsible for institutional ethics and with the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. Minutes are submitted to Senate for noting.

Procedural Rules

In the absence of any specific rules, the procedure is as set out in the Standing Orders of Senate.

Frequency of meetings: The Committee typically meets four times a year.

Quorum: There shall be a quorum at meetings of one-third of the membership of the Committee.


Ex-officio members

Appointed members

The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.

  • Dr Katherine Button, Academic member of staff, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, term 2027
  • Dr Min Pan, Academic member of staff, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, term 2026
  • VACANCY, Students’ Union Officer, nominated by the SU, term 2025

In attendance

Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.

Members serve terms of three years at a time. Most members can serve two consecutive terms (a total of six years) but in exceptional circumstances may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (a total of nine years). All terms are subject to renewal.

Meeting Dates

Find out about our meeting dates.

Find our agenda deadlines for submitting papers.

Version Information

Owner: Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee
Approval Date: 6 November 2024


If you have any questions, please contact us.