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Confidential waste paper disposal

Information about how to safely dispose of confidential paper records.


The University has a contract with M & J Bowers Ltd covering the confidential destruction of waste paper. M & J Bowers Ltd are registered with the Environment Agency, ISO 9001:2008 accredited, and fully compliant with BS EN 15713:2009.

All confidential waste paper is cross shredded to 15mm pieces at a secure location on site before being removed from campus.

If you need to destroy personal or sensitive paper material follow the steps below.

Step 1: Is your paper waste confidential?

Material belonging to any of the following categories must be treated as confidential:

  • Records containing personal information (e.g. application forms, pay roll and pensions records, completed questionnaires, staff files, research grant applications),
  • Examination scripts, student coursework, assignments and projects,
  • Records of a commercially sensitive nature (e.g. contracts, tenders, purchasing and maintenance records, legal documents),
  • Records concerning intellectual property rights (e.g. unpublished research data, draft papers and manuscripts).

Material not classified as confidential should be recycled in the paper bins.

Step 2: How to dispose of your confidential waste

If you are based in a lockable office, order confidential waste sacks as required, and once they’re filled, arrange for their collection as detailed in Steps 3 and 4 below.

If you are not based in a lockable office or if you work in a shared space, dispose of your confidential waste paper in a secure confidential waste bin situated in a convenient, nearby central location. To find the location of your nearest secure confidential waste bin Contact the waste team.

Step 3: How to order confidential waste sacks

Confidential paper waste must be packed into the paper sacks provided by M & J Bowers Ltd. These can be obtained via Central Stores (extn. 6652), commodity number 3051050, using an Agresso internal order. Cost is £1.80 per sack.

Please do not over fill the sacks.

Remove all plastic file covers, end boards, ring-binders and metal fittings. (Staples do not need to be extracted.)

Overfull or incorrectly packed sacks will not be removed and you will be asked to distribute the paper into additional sacks.

Full sacks must never be left unattended in corridors or other areas where access is unrestricted.

Step 4: How to arrange for collection of full sacks

Contact your building porter or Contact the waste team to arrange the collection of sacks for final disposal.

For further advice, or if you have any special requirements, Contact the waste team.


If you have any questions, please contact us.