The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) requires employers to assess the risks of fires and explosions that may be caused by dangerous substances in the workplace. These risks must then be eliminated or reduced as far as is reasonably practicable. Refer to HSE Guidance DSEAR in detail.
Typical work activities to which this may apply include:
use of flammable solvents in laboratories
transporting flammable substances in containers around a workplace
use of flammable gases, such as acetylene, for welding
handling and storage of flammable wastes such as fuel oils
handling, storage and use of gases under pressure
handling, storage and use of substances corrosive to metal
Dangerous substances are substances or mixtures of substances (called 'preparations' in DSEAR) that could create risks to people's safety from fires and explosions or similar events, such as 'thermal runaway' from chemical reactions, or which are corrosive to metal. Liquids, gases, vapours and dusts that may be found in a workplace can all be dangerous substances. Examples include:
solvents, such as acetone, toluene, diethyl ether
paints and varnishes
flammable gases such as acetylene, hydrogen, propane
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
dusts from machining and sanding operations
An explosive atmosphere is a mixture of a dangerous substance or substances (gas, mist, dust or vapour) with the air, which has the potential to catch fire or explode.
In addition to fire and explosion events, DSEAR also applies to other energetic events such as runaway exothermic reactions or decompositions of unstable substances, e.g. decomposition of peroxides.
Process for controlling fire and explosion risks
Refer to HSE Documents for guidance:
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
Approved Code of Practice and guidance L138
HSE Guidance Controlling Fire and Explosion risk in the workplace
1) Identify fire and explosion hazards for work areas within department control. This includes:
dangerous substances present including those formed in the workplace
potential ignition sources
work activities involving the dangerous substance
possible formation and extent of explosive atmospheres
scale of anticipated event
2) Assess the risks associated with identified fire and explosion hazards. Carry out a risk assessment using the DSEAR template taking into consideration:
work processes and substances used and their possible interactions
amount of substance involved
risks presented by using more than one dangerous substance in combination
arrangements for safe handling, storage and transport of dangerous substances
3) Eliminate or reduce the risks where reasonably practicable; apply hierarchical approach:
replace with another substance (not classed as dangerous)
use a different work process where the risk of fire or explosion is inherently reduced
substitute for a less dangerous substance, e.g. one with a higher flashpoint
4) Implement control measures to prevent fire, explosion or similar energetic event. These should be prioritised as follows:
reduce the quantity of dangerous substances to a minimum
avoid or minimise releases of dangerous substances
control releases of dangerous substances at source
prevent the formation of an explosive atmosphere, including by ventilation
collect, contain and remove any releases to a safe place
avoid ignition sources
avoid adverse conditions (such as exceeding pressure/temperature limits) that could lead to danger
keep incompatible substances apart
5) Implement mitigation measures to reduce the detrimental effects of a fire, explosion or similar incident as follows:
reduce the number of employees exposed to the risk
provide plant that is explosion resistant
provide explosion suppression or explosion relief equipment
take measures to control or minimise the spread of fires or explosions
provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
6) Put in place appropriate arrangements to prepare for accidents, incidents and emergencies. Consider:
need for any additional first aid facilities
additional safety drills required and tested
provision of warning signs and other appropriate communication systems such as alarms, warning lights or tannoy systems
provision of any equipment or clothing for persons dealing with an incident
The Controlling Fire and Explosion Standard sets out the University's arrangements for managing fire and explosion risk in University buildings. The standard also provides more information on the roles of responsibilities of line managers, supervisors, employees and students working with in scope materials.