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Crime, justice and human rights

Our national and international research is concerned with perpetrators, victims, responses to, and representations of, crime.


Floral tributes to Sarah Everard on Clapham Common
We are concerned with perpetrators, victims and responses to crime.

Our Research

Our research links social, criminal and transitional justice and human rights. It is broadly themed around questions such as:

  • How and why are certain social groups made to feel responsible for their personal safety and wellbeing?
  • To what extent are criminal justice institutions fit-for-purpose, accessible and accountable to the public?
  • How can innovative methodologies be employed to shed light on seemingly intractable problems?

We hold significant research grants and our research and publications have been awarded numerous prizes. We are international in outlook and have particularly strong research links with research partners in Australia and New Zealand.

We are home to the Centre for Prisons Research, a growing body of established, early career, post-doctoral and doctoral researchers.

Our Projects

Examples of current and ongoing funded projects:

Our Researchers


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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