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Faculty/School Research and Knowledge Exchange Committees terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Faculty/School Research & Knowledge Exchange Committees, including its primary responsibilities, functions and procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

The Faculty/School Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee will be responsible to the Board of Studies for the academic standards and quality of the Faculty/School's research and 'reach-out' activities, through:

1) the development, promotion and enhancement of the Faculty/School's Research Strategy to meet the research and knowledge exchange (KE) objectives of the University as articulated in the University Strategy;

2) the identification, monitoring and promotion of the means by which the Faculty/School can meet current and emerging research opportunities with the particular goals of increasing research income, the quality of research outputs, generating impact from research and meeting the other research and KE objectives of the University as articulated in the University Strategy;

3) monitoring, review and improvement of research and KE performance across the Faculty/School, including: - oversight of bids for external funding, including the promotion of interdisciplinary research; - analysis of research and KE-related performance indicators, in particular those used in national assessments.

4) co-ordination and oversight of the Faculty/School submission in respect of any national research assessment;

5) consideration of the proposed establishment and disestablishment of research centres and appointment of their Directors and Deputy Directors for recommendation to the Board of Studies;

6) review of the performance of research centres and their continuity within the Faculty/School on a three-year cycle for recommendation to the Board of Studies;

7) support and promotion of a world-class research culture to deliver excellence across the research environment, including research supervision, interdisciplinarity, partnerships and collaborations, and embedding equality and diversity at the core of all research activities;

8) promotion and sharing of good practice in respect of research, including minimising climate impact of research conduct;

9) championing and monitoring the implementation of policies and procedures with respect to research governance and standards including research ethics and research integrity;

10) supporting the evaluation, reporting and promotion of positive climate impact of research

Version information

Version number:
Approval Date: 5 February 2016, 21 April 2021 and 2 February 2022
Approved By: Senate
Date of last review: