Purpose of the committee
The Committee is a joint committee of Council and Senate.
Key responsibilities
- To recommend to Senate for approval persons worthy of the conferment of an honorary degree and the appropriate degree for each such person.
- To recommend to Council for approval persons worthy of a President's Award.
- To appoint Orators for recipients of honorary degrees.
- To recommend to Council and Senate the waiving of Ordinance 14.12 if necessary when appointing Orators for recipients of honorary degrees.
- To recommend to Senate the criteria for honorary degree and President's Awards nominations.
- To recommend to Senate the annual award of the Chancellor's Medal.
- To determine the procedures for submission and consideration of honorary degree and President's Awards nominations and the subsequent award of these honours.
Reporting relationships
Honorary Degrees Committee reports to Council and Senate after every meeting with a written report.
Procedural rules
Meeting frequency: The Committee meets twice a year.
Quorum: The quorum for meetings shall be one third of the membership.
Ex Officio Members
- Professor Phil Taylor, Chair (Vice-Chancellor and President)
Appointed Members
The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
- Alun Griffiths, Member of Council, appointed by Council, term of office 2025
- Tim Hollingsworth, Member of Council, appointed by Council, term of office 2025
- Professor James Davenport, Member of Senate, elected by Senate, term of office 2026
- VACANCY, Member of Senate, elected by Senate
- Dr Rob Branston, Member of Academic Staff, elected by Senate, term of office 2027
- Professor Tim Ibell, Member of Academic Staff, elected by Senate, term of office 2027
- VACANCY, Member of Professional Services Staff, appointed by the VC
- Amber Snary, Student Governor, appointed by Nominations Committee, term of office 2025
In Attendance
- Suzanne Maxwell, Senior Executive Officer
- Gordon Cox, Director of Advancement
- Laura Andrews, Governance Partner
Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.
Council members are renewed annually. All other members serve terms of three years at a time. Members can serve two consecutive terms (a total of six years) but in exceptional circumstances may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (a total of nine years). All terms are subject to renewal.
Version information
Owner: Honorary Degrees Committee
Approval Date: November 2021
Approved By: Senate and Council
Find out about our meeting dates.
Honorary Doctorate Degrees
Honorary Master's Degrees
President's Award
The Chancellor's Medal