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Honorary graduates, 1980 to 1989

The names of our honorary graduates and which degrees were conferred upon them.



Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Harry Ansoff* DSc
Sir Raymond Brown OBE* DSc
Professor Sir Hans Kornberg FRS FIBiol* DSc
Prof Eur Ing Frei Otto DSc* DSc
Harold Wassell OBE* MEng
Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson* DSc
The Rt Hon The Baroness Williams of Crosby CH PC* DLitt


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Sir David Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS DSc
Dr William Brandt* DLitt
Professor Gillian Brown CBE* LLD
Dr Duncan Davies* DSc
Dr Glyn England FREng FIEE FIMechE* DSc
Sir William Hawthorne CBE FRS FREng FIMechE* DSc
Sir Douglas Henley KCB* LLD
Sir Richard Morris CBE FREng* DSc
Sir Richard O'Brien DSO MC* LLD
Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer Bt DSc FRS* DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Sir Kenneth Corfield KT CE FEng FInstBM FIMechE* DSc
Professor John Heslop-Harrison* DSc
Reginald Parker MIMechE MIProdE* MSc
Sir Peter Parker KBE* LLD
Sir D'Arcy Reilly* DLitt
Sir Derek Roberts FRS FREng FInstP* DSc
Baroness Nancy Seear of Paddington* DLitt


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Dr Rudolf Augstein* DLitt
Professor Peter Danckwerts* DSc
Professor Paul Matthews* DSc
Dame Iris Murdoch* DLitt
Sir Clive Sinclair* DSc
Baroness Eirene White of Rhymney* LLD


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Sir Roger Bannister CH CBE DM (Oxon) FRCP* DSc
Professor Sir Basil Blackwell* DSc
Professor Barry Cunliffe CBE FBA FSA DSc
Sir William Glock* DLitt
Dr Simon Nora* DLitt
Sir Kenneth Selby* LLD
Professor Amartya Sen Hon CH FBA DSc
Sir Robert Telford CBE DL FREng FIEE* DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Sir Geoffrey Allen FRS FREng FRSC* DSc
Stanley Hamilton* MSc
Professor Fritz John* DSc
Dr Peter King DSc* DSc
Dr James Nisbet* DSc
The Lord Quirk CBE FBA* DLitt
Professor David Tabor* DSc
Sir Douglas Wass GCB* DLitt


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Heather Angel MSc FRPS FBIPP DSc
Professor Sir James Baddiley FRS FRSE* DSc
Sir William Barlow FREng FIMechE FIEE FCGI* DSc
Pat Bishop MA
Dr John Bolton CBE* DSc
The Rt Hon The Lord Chilver FRS FREng* DSc
The Lord Foster of Thames Bank OM DSc
Professor David Kendall FRS* DSc
June Mendoza AO OBE RP ROI* DLitt
Dame Maggie Smith CBE* DLitt


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Kate Adie OBE MA
Sir John Banham DL* LLD
Sir John Burgh KCMG CB* LLD
Professor Margaret Gowing* DSc
Dr Bob Holder* LLD
Sir David Jack CBE FRS FRSE DSc
Sir Denis Rooke OM CBE FRS FREng* LLD
The Baroness Warnock CH DBE* DLitt
Professor Sir Maurice Wilkes FRS FEng FIEE FBCS* DSc
Youyun Zhang MA


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Dr Robert Ballard DSc
Sir Walter Bodmer FRS FIBiol FRCPath DSc
Sir Arthur C Clarke CBE* DLitt
Isabel Colegate* MA
Sir John Egan DL LLD
Professor Fritz Leonhardt* DSc
Professor Golo Mann* DLitt
Fay Weldon CBE FRSL* DLitt
Dr Andreas Whittam Smith CBE LLD


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Thomas Benjamin* DSc
John F Coates DSc OBE* DSc
The Rt Hon The Lord Marshall of Knightsbridge* LLD
Professor John Morrison* DLitt
Barbara Robertson* MA
Alan Rousell DSc
The Earl of Snowdon GCVO* LLD

An asterisk (*) appears after the name of a deceased honorary graduate.