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Images of Research competition and exhibition

Images of Research is a competition and exhibition for staff celebrating the high-quality and impactful research taking place at the University of Bath.


Images of Research is a competition and exhibition for staff at the University of Bath to use visual imagery and a simple short description to tell people about their research and its benefits to society.

Images of Research competition

The competition invites applicants to submit an image into one of five categories reflecting the University’s strategic themes and priorities:

  • Digital – research that is creating positive digital futures.

  • Health and Wellbeing – research that is addressing pressing health and wellbeing issues people are facing.

  • Local – research that is working with people from Bath and North East Somerset and creating positive outcomes for them and their communities.

  • Partnerships - research that is working in collaboration with people outside academia including industry, policymakers and civil society and community-based organisations.

  • Sustainability – research that is finding sustainable solutions to issues facing the planet and people.

The image submitted can take any form, it could be a photograph, a drawing or digital creation or an image from research directly. The image should highlight why research happening at the University matters - the difference University research is making to society.

Submission process

We invite entries to the competition across all five categories. The Image of Research 2024 Competition Submission Guide contains full details of how to submit an entry to the Images of Research competition.

The competition is now open and will close at 4pm on Friday 13 September 2024.

Images of Research exhibition

Submission to the Images of Research 2024 competition will form the basis of an exhibition outside Bath Spa Railway station in autumn 2024.

Previous winners

The Images of Research competition has been running since 2009. Find out more about previous versions of the competition and past competition winners on the Images of Research project page.

Images of Research exhibitions

Highlights from the Images of Research exhibition over the years.

Images of Research exhibition highlights


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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