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Measuring our success

The key performance indicators we'll use to monitor the success of the University Strategy 2021 to 2026.


A student pouring liquid into a test tube.
We will monitor how successfully we are delivering our objectives.

The following key performance indicators will enable us to monitor how successfully we are delivering our objectives:

  • student profile – we will monitor the diversity of our student population as a measure of the success of our access and participation initiatives
  • student satisfaction – we will monitor National Student Survey (NSS) overall student satisfaction scores as a measure of success in delivering a high-quality student experience
  • student continuation rates – we will monitor student continuation rates as a measure of how supportive our learning environment is
  • graduate outcomes – we will monitor graduate-level employment as a measure of our responsiveness to the changing needs of the employment market and the relevance of our programmes
  • research income– we will monitor our total research income as a measure of the relevance, sustainability, and peer recognition of our research
  • research students– we will monitor the percentage of full-time doctoral students graduating within four years as a measure of our success in nurturing new research talent and the vibrancy of our research culture
  • research outputs – we will monitor the number and percentage of highly cited research papers as a measure of both the vibrancy and quality of our research
  • research partnerships – we will monitor our research partnerships as a measure of our success in working in partnership, particularly with industry and commerce
  • carbon emissions – we will monitor our carbon emissions as a measure of our progress towards the targets set out in our Climate Action Framework