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Multiversum - Decolonising For Social Change

Multiversum: Decolonising For Social Change is a Working Paper series published by DECkNO


Muliversum logo - black ice creeping over a window
Decolonising For Social Change is a Working Paper series published by DECkNO

The Centre for Decolonising Knowledge in Teaching, Research and Practice (DECkNO) at the University of Bath is an interdisciplinary collaborative research hub challenging Eurocentrism in the social sciences, arts and humanities and STEM subjects. It aims to consider Eurocentrism’s theoretical, socioeconomic, pedagogical, political and policy implications for radical changes in praxis. We hope to reflect a multiversum of knowledges, times, spaces, experiences, interactions, critiques, social practices and struggles through a series of working papers.

DECkNO has a working Paper series entitled Multiversum: Decolonising for Social Change - Working Papers Series. It accepts original contributions that have not been published elsewhere and which have been prepared to advance the series aim and hopes. Accepted papers are posted on the DECkNO webpage and can be shared on relevant university webpages, such as Pure, as well as with external networks.

The WP Series editors are members of the DECkNO core group. Reviewers are from a wider pool of volunteers from within and beyond DECkNO.

All submissions are initially considered by the Editors of Multiversum then lightly peer reviewed by at least two members of the Multiversum pool of reviewers. The Editors reserve the right of desk rejection. It is the responsibility of the DECkNO Research Hub co-ordinators to gather and assign peer reviewers to submissions for the Working Paper series and to communicate with the reviewers and the authors.

Once a paper is ready for publication the DECkNO coordinators may request administrative support in uploading the “DECkNO Working Paper” onto the assigned webpage on the DECkNO website.

The series is registered as ISSN 2753-684X


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