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Open Research Steering Group

The terms of reference and membership of the Open Research Steering Group, including its remit and duties.

Terms Of Reference

The Open Research Steering Group will develop and oversee the overall strategy and implementation of the University’s Open Research action plan and work closely with the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN).

The steering group was established in Spring 2024 and held their first meeting in May.

The group’s Terms of Reference and membership were approved by the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee (AEIC) on 24th April 2024, and are outlined on this page.


  • For Open Research practices to be valued and embedded within research culture at the University of Bath.
  • For the adoption of Open Research practices to be encouraged through communication and engagement with the research community.


  • To develop and oversee the overall strategy and implementation of the Open Research Action Plan at the University of Bath.
  • To work closely with the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) on engagement with Open Research practices.


  • Advocate for Open Research practices to be embedded within research activities across the University.
  • Incorporate recognition for Open Research in hiring and promotion criteria.
  • Develop policies, processes, and resources to allow for the implementation of the Open Research Action Plan.

Steering Group Duties

  • In partnership with colleagues and departments across the University, the steering group will prioritise work on the following key themes of interest related to Open Research practice:
    • Qualitative Research
    • Open Infrastructure (including open hardware, resources and platforms)
    • Open Access, Data and Outputs
    • Early Career Researchers – create opportunities for learning and encouraging input from early career researchers
  • To advise senior leadership on emerging issues and opportunities that relate to Open Research, identifying appropriate actions and escalating as required.
  • To oversee delivery and analysis of a bi-annual Open Research awareness and practice survey.


The steering group will be constituted as follows:

Reporting Lines

  • Report to the University’s Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee (AEIC) on progress with implementation of the action plan and progress to deliver on the ambitions of the strategy.

Procedural Rules

Membership and appointment of Chair

  • To be agreed by the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee.

Notes, actions and updates

  • To be managed by the Secretary and submitted to the Academic Ethics and Integrity Committee.


Contact us

If you have any queries about the Open Research Steering Group, please contact the secretary.

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