The following list includes other outputs, such as evidence and articles, related to 'Couples balancing work, money and care: exploring the shifting landscape under Universal Credit' - an ESRC project from the University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) which examines the ways couples with and without children make decisions about work, care and household finances in relation to changes under Universal Credit.
Other outputs
- Wood, M. (2023) Falling between the cracks – the experiences of young parents on Universal Credit, Journal of Youth Studies.
- Wood, M., & Bennett, F. (2023). Parenting in the pandemic: exploring the experiences of families with children on Universal Credit before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Families, Relationships and Societies, 12(2), 163-179.
- Bennett, F. (2022) Oral evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee on Managed Migration
- Griffiths, R. & Cain, R. (2022) Universal Credit, deductions and ‘sexually transmitted’ debt, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 44:4, 431-454
- Griffiths, R. (2022). Written evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee on University Credit and the cost of living
- Griffiths, R., Wood, M., Bennett, F., and Millar, J. (2022) Families navigating Universal Credit in the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 Collaborations, pp. 44-55
- Griffiths, R., Millar, J., Bennett, F., and Wood, M. (2022) Written evidence to Work and Pensions Committee on Universal Credit and childcare costs
- Griffiths, R., Millar, J., Bennett, F., and Wood, M. (2022) Oral evidence to Work and Pensions Committee on Universal Credit and childcare costs
- Griffiths, R. (2021) Universal Credit and automated decision making: A case of the digital tail wagging the policy dog?, Social Policy and Society, pp. 1-18
- Wood, M. (2021) Childcare costs and Universal Credit: Awareness, affordability and the challenge of an embedded system, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 29(2), pp. 203-220
- Griffiths, R., Magnus, L. Millar, J., Bennett, F., and Wood, M. (2021) Our evidence to Public Accounts Committee Call for Evidence on DWP Employment Support
- Griffiths, R., Millar, J., Bennett, F., and Wood, M. (2021) Our evidence to Work and Pensions Committee call for written submissions on children in poverty: measurement and targets
- Millar, J., Bennett, F., Griffiths, R., and Wood, M. (2021) Response to All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty call for evidence into the impact on poverty of maintaining the £20 uplift in Universal Credit, Institute for Policy Research (IPR), University of Bath
- Millar, J., Bennett, F., Griffiths, R., Wood, M. and Magnus, L. (2020) Couples, Universal Credit and in-work progression: Response to call for evidence to the In-Work Progression Commission, IPR, University of Bath
- Bennett, F. (2020) Universal credit and COVID-19, Poverty, CPAG
- Griffiths, R. (2020) Written evidence - The economics of Universal Credit