Purpose of the committee
The Committee is a committee of Senate.
Key responsibilities
- To consider nominations for the annual Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize, creating a shortlist of finalists (usually 4) to present their research at a dedicated event, and to award the winner.
- To recommend to Senate the criteria for prize nominations.
- To apply the prize criteria fairly and consistently, addressing unconscious bias and ensuring that decisions are consistent with equality, diversity and inclusion considerations.
- To approve revoking prizes to individuals where situations may arise post-award.
- To make an annual report to Senate on the Committee’s activity.
- To conduct a biennial effectiveness review.
Reporting relationships
The Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize Committee reports to Senate after every meeting with a written report.
Procedural rules
Meeting frequency: The Committee meets once a year and attends a finalist presentation event.
Quorum: The quorum for meetings shall be one third of the membership.
Ex Officio Members
- Professor Sarah Hainsworth, Chair (Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise))
- Professor Joe Devine, Associate PVC Research (Doctoral)
- Dr Rachel Arnold, Academic Director (Doctoral)
- Dr Shyeni Paul, Director of Doctoral College Operations
- Professor Andrew Brown, Associate Dean (Research) School of Management
- Professor Emma Carmel, Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
- Professor Tim Rogers, Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Science
- Professor Chris Bowen, Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Engineering & Design
- Dr Tess Legg, Winner of the previous year’s prize
- Dr Lewis Topley, Chair of the Research Staff Working Group
In Attendance
- Dr Despina Moschou, EDI Representative
- Laura Andrews, Governance Partner
The Chair of this Committee is a Pro-Vice-Chancellor or a nominee.
All new members are subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, which shall be reported to Senate.
Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.
Members serve terms of three years at a time. Members can serve two consecutive terms (a total of six years) but in exceptional circumstances may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (a total of nine years). All terms are subject to renewal.
Version information
Owner: Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize Committee
Version number: 2
Approval Date: 8 June 2022, updated 19 April 2023
Approved by: Senate
Date of last review: 19 April 2023
Read more about the Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize.