The University of Bath uses the Pure software product as a current research information system for our institutional repository. This is to manage and disseminate the inputs and outputs of our research.
You are subject to the Pure terms of use if you have deposited the following in the repository:
Research Outputs: all final peer-reviewed versions of journal articles, conference proceedings with an ISSN and monographs, electronic theses, and other files and related bibliographical data
Research Content: other information relating to Activities, Prizes, Press/Media, Impacts, Dataset catalogue entries, Projects, Applications and Awards deposited in the repository
Personal Content: information relating to Personal Profiles, including Statements about Research and Teaching Interests, Other Responsibilities, Willingness to Supervise PhDs, External Positions, Education, and a Profile Photo
By using the repository, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Use. You have the right to submit your Research Outputs, Research Content and Personal Content. You agree to grant the University all permissions and licenses, as set out or referenced below.
These Terms of Use are in addition to the other followng relevant University policies and procedures:
- Data Protection Policy
- Electronic Information Systems Security Policy
- Code of Practice in Research Integrity
- Open Access Publications Deposit Mandate
- Research Data Policy
- Institutional Repository (PURE) Deposit Licence
- Institutional Repository Notice and Takedown Policy
1. General
1.1. Content may only be deposited in the Repository by accredited members of the University, or their delegated agents/trusted users (“Trusted User”), or authors, or their Trusted User, when depositing their own content.
1.2. As the Pure account holder, it is your responsibility to ensure that information held about you in the Repository is accurate and up-to-date, and that the appropriate visibility settings have been applied to the records.
1.3. With the exception of Research Outputs and Dataset records, Research and Personal Content in the Repository is not validated by the University. It is your responsibility to ensure that deposited Research Content is original and does not breach applicable laws including defamation, libel and/or copyright.
1.4. Where data are brought into the Repository from other University systems, any amendments to the data may need to be made at the source.
1.5. Certain information held in the Repository is publicly accessible on the University of Bath Research Portal including Personal Profiles (for current staff and students only), Research Outputs, Projects, and Datasets. Only records with the visibility setting ‘Public – No Restriction’ are displayed on the Portal.
1.6. The University may curate the deposited information as appropriate.
1.7. Trusted Users are subject to all relevant Terms of Use.
2. Personal Content and Data Protection
2.1. By accepting the Terms of Use you agree that certain personal data about you are held in the Repository. These data originate from other University systems (ITrent, SAMIS, Contacts on Web) and may include name, person ID, academic title, gender, work contact details (email address, phone number, office location), employment details (job title, organisation affiliation, start and end dates, FTE, employee number), study information (course details, start and end dates, organisation affiliation, student number), date of birth, HESA ID.
2.2. Optionally, you can add further personal details to the Repository, including a photo, name variants, ORCID ID, Scopus Author Profile ID, personal statements about research and areas of interest, education details, and external webpage links. You can edit or remove this information from your account at any point, or request for this information to be removed after you have left the University.
2.3. If you add details about Teaching Interests, for legal reasons you are not allowed to include the titles of the modules you teach.
2.4. For current members of academic staff and postgraduate students, certain personal information is displayed on the publicly accessible University of Bath Research Portal. This information may include: full name, name variants, academic title, job title, work contact details (email address, phone number, office location), organisation affiliations, and a link to your Scopus author profile. Where added, the following information will also be displayed: photo, statements on research, teaching, or other interests, statement on willingness to supervise PhD students, education details, externally held positions, Orcid ID, and external webpage links.
2.5. Your name will be attached to all Research Outputs and Research Content types that have been set as public and are displayed on the portal.
2.6. Where a legitimate business reason exists, relevant personal information held in the Repository may be shared internally or externally: for example, various internal reports, Research Activity Report, reports to funders, and data provision to external systems (ResearchFish, Orcid, OpenAire, Ethos, SciVal, REF submission system).
2.7. Upon leaving the University, your personal profile will no longer display on the Portal. However, your data will not be deleted from the Repository unless specifically requested. Where a business reason exists, some personal data might be retained indefinitely.
2.8. The personal data held about you is held and processed in accordance with UK information laws such as the Data Protection Act 1998 and, from May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation.
3. Research Content and Research Outputs
3.1. Research Content is not validated by the University. It is the depositor’s responsibility to set the record’s visibility level and ensure data accuracy.
3.2. All Research Outputs are validated by the University before they are made publicly available on the Research Portal.
3.3. Where third party personal information is deposited as part of the Impact evidence gathering process, it is the responsibility of the depositor to obtain consent to hold and use the information.
3.4. Deposited Research Content and Research Outputs will be retained by the University indefinitely under normal operating circumstances.
3.5. The University will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. Research Content and Research Outputs will be migrated to new file formats where necessary; however, it may not always be possible to guarantee the readability of some unusual file formats.
3.6. In the event of the Repository being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive wherever possible.
4. Deposit of Research Outputs
4.1. Repository administrators will check items for relevance to the scope of the Repository.
4.2. The authenticity of deposited items is the sole responsibility of the author(s).
4.3. If applicable, items will be made publicly visible once embargo periods have expired.
4.4. The University will ensure that, as far as is possible, validated Research Outputs comply with University policies and any relevant external Open Access requirements.
4.5. Research Outputs are categorised as, but not limited to: journal contributions; conference contributions, papers, and proceedings; specialist publication contributions; electronic theses; reports and working papers; books, chapters, and sections; patents.
4.6. Deposited items may include working drafts, submitted versions (as sent to publishers for peer-review), accepted versions (author's final peer-reviewed drafts), and published versions (publisher-created files).
4.7. Items are individually tagged with peer-review and publication status.
4.8. When you submit Research Outputs to the Repository, you are agreeing to our deposit licence.
5. Access to Research Outputs
5.1. Anyone may access the publicly displayed metadata, full-text and other full data items free of charge.
5.2. The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes, but cannot be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.
5.3. Copies of full-text and other full data items can generally be reproduced for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, but must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
5.4. Some full-text and other full data items are individually tagged with different rights permissions and conditions.
5.5. Our end-user licence sets out in detail the terms and conditions of access to and use of the material held within the repository.
6. Management of Research Outputs
6.1. Items may not normally be removed from the Repository however acceptable reasons for withdrawal include: journal publishers' rules, proven copyright violation or plagiarism, legal requirements and proven violations, national security, falsified research.
6.2. Withdrawn items are removed from public view but not deleted, and identifiers/urls are retained indefinitely.
6.3. Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required.
6.4. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited and the earlier version may be withdrawn from public view. Links will be made between versions, with the most recent version clearly identified.
6.5. We endeavour to ensure that Research Outputs do not infringe any third party property rights or otherwise infringe UK law. Our Notice and Takedown Policy sets out what to do if you discover any content that you believe infringes your rights.
7. Changes to Terms of Use
7.1. These Terms of Use may be amended by the University. Updated Terms of Use will be available for you to review on your next Pure logon and will apply to your subsequent use of the Repository.
8. Governing Law
8.1. These Terms of Use are governed by and to be construed in accordance with English Law. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.