1. Background
Race Equality Charter (REC) is a national accreditation scheme, awarded by Advance HE, that aims to improve the representation, progression and success of ethnically minoritised staff and students within higher education. The University of Bath committed to progressive REC principles (see Appendix 1) in 2021, with the aim to embed them within our policies, procedures, practices, action plans, and culture.
2. Purpose
The Race Equality Charter University Self-Assessment Team (REC-USAT) aims to promote and advance race equality across the University through a REC framework. The overall objective is to undertake a comprehensive and thorough assessment of race equality progress and issues, developing appropriate actions in response, and ensuring the completion of a robust and high-quality submission and action plan to meet the REC requirements and award criteria.
3. Responsibilities/Tasks
- To design and implement a project plan (with activities, milestones and timescales) and deliver to meet the requirements of the REC [and its submission].
- Undertake all required data collection, analysis and interpretation in line with the REC requirements for staff and students.
- Collaborate with wider stakeholders to ensure the coordination and delivery of required actions and initiatives relevant to the preparation of the REC application submission.
- To establish a writing group within the membership from REC-USAT to ensure key areas of focus are addressed and support the drafting of content and evidence for the submission.
- Ensure the development of a robust and evidence-based Action Plan as part of the submission and engagement with key stakeholders/action owners to ensure the actions are fully owned.
- Liaise as required with other University committees and working groups with relevant scope and responsibility to progress race equality objectives.
- Ensure liaison and learning from relevant research and sector initiatives are fully utilised to enhance the work and development of the submission.
4. Frequency of Meetings
Every two months in the first year, with additional sub-group meetings as required. Following submission, meeting twice during academic year to monitor action plan progress.
5. Reporting
REC-USAT reports to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). REC-USAT is chaired by University’s Race Equality Lead and sponsored by Vice President Community and Inclusion.
6. Membership
The membership, while set at two years, can be reviewed at any time and REC-USAT may invite others to attend meetings on an ad hoc basis, and/or establish working groups to advance its objectives. The Chair will issue personal invitations to relevant managers as well as put an open call out for members under the following themes:
i) Staff and students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds ii) Representatives from each Faculty and the School, key central Departments (Admissions, Outreach, Student Support and Safeguarding) and student body (the SU) iii) Individuals with knowledge, skills, and experience in advancing race equality iv) A balance of professional and support staff and academics, and people at different grades, contract types (PT/FT, fixed/permanent) within the institution v) Senior management vi) Data expert Note: the same individuals may be representative of more than one structure/group listed above.
7. Review of terms of reference
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and agreed with EDIC.
8. Workload and recognition
Membership of the REC-USAT is recognised in WAMS (20 hours) and by the acknowledgement letter from the Chair upon the completion of the term. Members (Academic and Professional Services) will be supported by their line manager to facilitate their contribution to the REC-USAT work in conjunction with their existing workload planning/agreed work objectives. This should recognise both attendance at meetings and additional responsibilities, i.e. preparations for the meeting, writing, editing section drafts.
9. Attendance and quorum
50% of the membership.
10. Secretariat
EDI Coordinator.
11. Code of Conduct
It is important to ensure REC-USAT operations are conducted in an equitable and fair manner. Members of REC-USAT are requested to the following code of conduct:
- Members will be featured on a public REC-USAT webpage
- Race and equality discussions may feature difficult conversations and while disagreements are welcome, it is expected that all conversations will be conducted with respect
- Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways that build trust and goodwill between stakeholders regardless of background or experience
- REC-USAT values difference and approaching diversity (of thought, identity, and experience) with a spirit of respective collaboration.
Appendix 1: Race Equality Charter Guiding Principles
The Race Equality Charter is underpinned by five fundamental guiding principles:
- Racial inequalities are a significant issue within higher education. Racial inequalities are not necessarily overt, isolated incidents. Racism is an everyday facet of UK society and racial inequalities manifest themselves in everyday situations, processes and behaviours.
- UK higher education cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of the whole population and until individuals from all ethnic backgrounds can benefit equally from the opportunities it affords.
- In developing solutions to racial inequalities, it is important that they are aimed at achieving long-term institutional culture change, avoiding a deficit model where solutions are aimed at changing the individual.
- Minority ethnic staff and students are not a homogenous group. People from different ethnic backgrounds have different experiences of and outcomes from/within higher education, and that complexity needs to be considered in analysing data and developing actions.
- All individuals have multiple identities, and the intersection of those different identities should be considered wherever possible.