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Semester 2 Exam Schedule for 2021/22

Read more information about how and when your May/June 2022 Semester 2 exams will take place.


The 2021/22 Semester 2 exam period

You can find the full exam schedule here.

If you are sitting an in-person exam, you will need to separately find your room and seat number on SAMIS by scrolling to 'Exam Information' and clicking on 'Exam Timetable'.

The 2021/22 Semester 2 exam period will run from Monday 16 May 2022 to Wednesday 1 June 2022.

The majority of exams will be delivered through our online exams platform Inspera.

There will be a small number of in-person, invigilated exams held on campus. You can find a complete list of these exams on this page. All in-person exams will be paper-based or in-person for courses such as languages that need practical assessment.

Exams on Inspera

The Semester 2 online Inspera exams will be one of three types: Fixed-time, Flexible-start or Open-24.

  • Fixed-time exams are short-duration exams, scheduled to be taken in a specific time slot. The date, start time and end time will be found on the exam schedule. All in-person exams will be fixed time as well as many exams on Inspera.

  • Flexible-start  exams are online, short-duration Inspera exams that you can start at a time of your choosing within the 24-hour window specified on the exam schedule. Your exam will end after the specified exam duration has passed, or at the end of the 24-hour window if sooner. The exam duration includes the expected work time for the exam and any submission time allowance.

  • Open-24 hour exams are online using Inspera, and open for 24 hours. You will only be expected to work on the exam for the duration indicated on the schedule (e.g., two hours). The exam will close at the end of the 24-hour period, after which you will not be able to submit an attempt.

The majority of exams on Inspera will be Fixed-time exams. The exams that are either Flexible-start or Open-24 exams are listed below.

Dept Unit Code Short Name Type of exam
Biology BB20153 DTA ITP Open-24
Health HL10182 HM PHGY Flexible-start
Health HL10521 HM PHGY Flexible-start
Health HL10522 ANTMY & BMECH Flexible-start
Health HL10525 SP & EX PSYC Flexible-start
Health HL20045R PSYC EX & HLTH Open-24
Health HL20185 EX PHGY Flexible-start
Health HL20508R EVNCE BSD PRAC Open-24
Health HL20532 SP EX HLTH PSYC Flexible-start
Health HL20533 BMECH & MTR CL Flexible-start
Health HL20537 PHGY HLTH EX Flexible-start
Health HL20541 PHCL ACT & HLTH Flexible-start
Health HL20542 STDY SP 2 Open-24
Health HL30055 AP SP PSYC Flexible-start
Health HL30188 EV & OCC PHGY Flexible-start
Health HL30513 PUB HLTH ISS Flexible-start
Health HL30514 EX PSCRN Flexible-start
Health HL30515 NUTRN & HLTH Flexible-start
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL30745 CUL & REL IN IR Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50582 EDT & REVN Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50586 PRECIS WRTG Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50817 CH ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50819 ENGL CH TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50821 FR ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50823 GR ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50825 IT ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50831 RU ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50833 ENGL RU TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50835 SP ENGL TRNS 2 Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50980 CH ENGL TRS BUS Open-24
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50981 ENGL CH TRS BUS Open-24
Psychology PS10086 MND & BHVR Open-24
Psychology PS20107 DEV PSYC Open-24
Psychology PS20150 PSYPATH Open-24
Psychology PS20167 COG NRSCI Open-24
Psychology PS20168 SOC PSYC Open-24

Exams on campus

In-person, invigilated exams will be held on campus for the following units:

Department Unit code Short name Unit title Type of exam
Mathematical Sciences MA10207 AN 1 Analysis 1 Paper-based
Mathematical Sciences MA10210 ALG 1B Algebra 1B Paper-based
Mathematical Sciences MA10212 PRBTY & STAT 1B Probability & statistics 1B Paper-based
Mathematical Sciences MA10236 VECT CALC MECH Vectors, vector calculus and mechanics Paper-based
Mathematical Sciences MA10274 FND SEQ & FUNC Foundations, connections, sequences and functions Paper based
Mechanical Engineering ME10009 FLD MECH Fluid mechanics Paper-based
Mechanical Engineering ME10010 SLD MECH 2 Solid mechanics 2 Paper-based
Mechanical Engineering ME10305 MTH 2 Mathematics 2 Paper-based
Mechanical Engineering ME20015 TRML PWR Thermal power and heat transfer Paper-based
Mechanical Engineering ME20021 MDL TEQ 2 Modelling techniques 2 Paper-based
Mechanical Engineering ME20026 MDN OP & TEC Manufacturing operations and technology Paper-based
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50310 ENGL TO RU CI English to Russian consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50393 ENGL TO CH CI English to Chinese consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50469 FR TO ENGL CI French to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50471 RU TO ENGL CI Russian to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50473 IT TO ENGL CI Italian to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50475 GR TO ENGL CI German to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50489 SP TO ENGL CI Spanish to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50494 CH TO ENGL CI Chinese to English consecutive interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50797 CH TO ENGL SI Chinese to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50798 ENGL TO CH SI English to Chinese simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50799 FR TO ENGL SI French to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50800 GR TO ENGL SI German to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50801 IT TO ENGL SI Italian to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50804 RU TO ENGL SI Russian to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50805 ENGL TO RU SI English to Russian simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50806 SP TO ENGL SI Spanish to English simultaneous interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50807 CH ENGL LI PSI Chinese/English liaison and public service interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50811 FR ENGL PSCI French/English public service and commercial interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50812 GR ENGL PSCI German/English public service and commercial interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50813 IT ENGL PSCI Italian/English public service and commercial interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50814 RU ENGL PSCI Russian/English public service and commercial interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50815 SP ENGL PSCI Spanish/English public service and commercial interpreting In-person
Politics, Languages & International Studies PL50973 LIAS BUS EN CH Liaison interpreting for business (Chinese/English) In-person

Extra guidance on how to prepare for and sit an in-person exam is available on the Exams and Assessment webpage. If you have specific queries relating to an in-person exam, please contact your Director of Studies.

Further information

In advance of the exam period, our main exams and assessments includes links to Inspera, exam guides, further resources and support, and information about what to do if an assessment is affected, or you need extra help and advice on the day of your exam.

Contacting us

General queries can be sent to