- In accordance with Statute 7.2, to consider and recommend to Council via Senate persons for appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
- In accordance with Statute 8.1, to consider and recommend to Council persons for appointment as Dean.
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Procedural Rules
Appointment of Chair
The Vice-Chancellor takes the Chair. See Ordinance 2.3.
SeeStanding Orders for Joint Committees of Council and Senate.
See Standing Orders for Joint Committees of Council and Senate.
There shall be a quorum at meetings of one-third of the membership. See Standing Orders for Joint Committees of Council and Senate.
Rules for voting
There are no specified rules for voting.
Minutes are submitted to Council and Senate.
Membership is governed by Ordinance 2. Holders of posts within the remit of the Committee can serve as members of the Committee if so elected by Council/Senate. This is permitted provided that such post holders withdraw from the meeting for discussion of any appointment for which they are recommended.
Council members are renewed annually. All other members serve terms of three years at a time. Members can serve two consecutive terms (a total of six years) but in exceptional circumstances may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (a total of nine years). All terms are subject to renewal. The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
Ex-Officio Members
Professor Phil Taylor, Vice-Chancellor, Chair
Appointed Members
Maria Bond, appointed member of Council, term of office 2025
Dr Teslim Bukoye, elected member of Senate, term of office 2027
Tim Ford, appointed member of Council, term of office 2025
Professor Dot Griffiths, appointed member of Council, term of office 2025
Professor Michael Lewis, elected member of Senate, term of office 2027
Professor Danae Stanton Fraser, elected member of Senate, term of office 2025
In Attendance
Richard Brooks, Director of Human Resources
Helena Barrell, Governance Partner
Procedure for Appointment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Dean/Head of School
Initial Process
1. Consultation
The Vice-Chancellor will invite the views of the University Executive Board, Deans/Heads of School, Heads of Academic and Professional Services Departments and other interested parties on the vacancy, particularly the proposed remit of the post.
2. Types of recruitment
Normally these posts will be subject to external recruitment. However, the Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, may determine in specific circumstances that it should be an internal recruitment process.
3. Job description and advert
A job description, person specification, advertisement and candidate brief will be drafted by the Vice-Chancellor and the Director of Human Resources. They will ensure that the recruitment process is tailored to a diverse audience.
External Recruitment
4. Selection Committee remit
The Vice-Chancellor will establish a Selection Committee with the following remit:
To oversee the recruitment process;
To consider and approve the job description, person specification, advertisement and candidate brief;
To select the long list and short list of candidates;
To define and conduct the selection process;
To make recommendations for appointment to Senate/Council as appropriate.
5. Selection Committee Composition
Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
One lay member of Council
Normally an elected Senate member (for DVC and PVC roles) and also for Deans/Heads of School if appropriate
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor or a Pro-Vice-Chancellor
One Dean/Head of School (as appropriate)
An appropriate member of academic staff or professional services staff
An SU Officer
Other External/Specialist Advisers/members (as appropriate)
6. Selection process may include the following:
Candidate discovery calls with senior members of staff to allow the candidates to learn more about the challenges and opportunities of the role;
Visits to campus to understand more about the facilities and environment;
Written exercises;
Psychometric or similar testing regimes;
In-person/online interactive events with representative staff and students;
Formal panel interviews.
7. Approval Process
The recommendation of the selection committee for appointment will be made to the Senior Academic Appointments Committee and Council, after consultation with Senate in the case of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
8. Offer
The preferred candidate will be offered the post subject to confirmation by Council. The offer of the post will be confirmed to the candidate following approval of the remuneration by Remuneration Committee and approval of the appointment by Council.
Internal Recruitment
Where a post is subject to internal recruitment, a similar process to that above will be followed.
Heads of Department
The appointment of Heads of Department and other senior academic roles is delegated to the Vice-Chancellor, who will determine and operate a transparent procedure which follows the good principles of senior appointments as described above. Such appointments will be reported to Senate and Council along with other academic appointments.
a) Internal candidates are eligible to apply for vacancies subject to external recruitment.
b) The Vice-Chancellor will determine whether to recommend that the existing postholder continue for a further term by reviewing their performance and following broad consultation with the University senior leadership. If the existing postholder is recommended to continue for a further term, this will be subject to consideration by Senior Academic Appointments Committee and appointment by Council, and confirmation of the remuneration by Remuneration Commitee.
Version information
Owner: | Senior Academic Appointments Committee |
Approval Date: | 14 October 2021 |
Approved By: | Council on the recommendation of Senate |
Date of last review: | October 2021 |